Shifting Realities Introduction

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Hello and welcome to my shifting journey. I was first introduced to shifting on Tiktok and have since been very interested in it. I find it fascinating and I immediately found myself believing it possible, which might seem silly, but when books can make me feel so intensely and I can be transported through words, why can't I be transported somewhere through thoughts as well? 

A few things to get started: 

What is shifting?

Shifting is sending your consciousness into another reality. This reality might be somewhere you have heard of before, somewhere popularized in media or literature, or somewhere you have made up. You can control who you are there, who else is with you, if there is magic, what characters are there, if there are magical creatures, what planet you are on, etc., etc. 

I am new to this but I am really excited to do my research and make it accessible. I'll also share a bit about myself so you can understand how I think a little better and why some methods might work better for me than others. 

Here is some of the lingo I am picking up:

DR: desired reality

CR: current reality 

Group Shifting: creating a reality exactly the same as a friend's and shifting together

Subliminals: music, sounds, or waves you listen to while attempting a shift

Affirmations: phrases you say to yourself [out loud or in your head] to keep you focused and motivated on your journey. 

**I am shifting. I am going home. I am going to Hogwarts. I am going to my DR. I have shifted. I am in my dorm room. I am on the train. etc. **

Also, shifting is not the same as imagining. Shifting is actually going to the other reality. 

A bit about me quick: 

I am an empath with strong emotional connections. I am able to visualize and imagine easily. I read when I can and I am constantly creating stories in my head. I form strong attachments to fictional characters and places. I have NOT read all of Harry Potter but I have seen all of the movies. I fall asleep slowly. I have anxiety and depression as well as transition disorders. I have a hard time staying on topic and concentrating. I feel creative with hobbies such as music, writing, reading, digital art, painting, and drawing. 

This is just a bit about me and I can't wait to take you along for this ride and share with you what I am experiencing and figuring out about shifting!

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