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*four years later- 10 years old*

    The fire consumed everything in its path as men and women screamed, some fleeing for their lives, as some of the men who tried to come after me fell to my axe. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. None of this was supposed to happen like this. the houses around me smoldered away as I drug my pack, stuffed to the brim with treasures and weapons, Hakan and the others running around the village, making sure everything was safe and the children were out safely. A group of hunters had captured my pack a while back, wanting to kill them and use their furs, but I wasn't going to let that happen so I had hunted down the village they were in and attacked, inadvertently starting my first raid. All of these things I had would be great compensation for what they tried doing to the pack. Of course, when they had seen it was a ten year old girl tearing up their village they had looked as if it had been some kind of joke- until I threw my axe and got it lodged in one mans chest. I had grown used to killing men and women, at least the one who attacked me anyways seeing as I didn't believe in killing anyone who had done no wrong and had been innocent. Anubis had been right as the years had passed on things had slowly changed for me: the more I began to hunt and bring back animals to them for fur or food Villages slowly began to accept me in and do business with me but they still didn't like me that much. I was just glad that they now let me in and let me buy things from them or sell them, that and the fact that when I would enter town Singe,  Erling,  or even Hakan would be by my side to make sure the person approaching me would do no harm to me. They learned to stay away from me as I passed, each carrying a cautious eye on the wolves as they had done so. Trying to lift the bag that was when I heard it: the sound of someone blowing a raiding horn as blood thirsty battle cries of raiders and drengr filled the air. Within an instant my pack had surrounded me, growling protectively as I watched the long boats sail into the shore, their dark purple sails covered up by the thick black smoke and fiery embers floated around in the air, a large group of men and women jumping from the long boats readying their axes as the water splashed around them. Most looked at the destruction around them as they slowed, their shouts dying on their lips,  a look of confusion on their faces. The leader finally seemed to catch me in his gaze as he turned to look at me, pointing his axe at me and going to step forwards.

    "You-" He started only for Aska and Hakan to lurch forwards a bit and snarl loudly, snapping their jaws as they did. The man stepped back a bit but he didn't leave me alone "Did you do all this? By yourself?"

    "I did" I answered as I looked at him cautiously "What's it to you?"

     "But you're only ten" He countered. I narrowed my eyes at him as I huffed, the smell of blood soaked earth finally filling my nostrils, an odd feeling swelling within me.

     "You should know the bloodline I come from before I was tossed out, Now if you'll excuse me I have trade" I said as I started to walk off, gripping the leather pack in my hands. The wolves kept an eye on the man as I started to walk off.

    "wait" He called out. Curious, I stopped as I turned to look at him, watching as he put his axe away and slowly approached me. The wolves growled but I held up my hand slightly and they stopped instantly but their stances were still defensive and ready to strike. "Come with us"

     "What?" I asked in shock as the woman next to him looked stunned, her fiery red hair wind blown from the red. I could see the shock and disappointment on her face. It was one I had come to welcome frequently, Jarl's wanted to keep their people safe so they made it known they took no enjoyment in my presence. I Looked at the man stunned, I had not been expecting him to say that at all. What was he up to?

     "Bjarte" The woman hissed as she narrowed her brown eyes at him "What are you thinking?"

    "I'm thinking we could have an advantage for our clan" The man, Bjarte, said as he looked at his red headed friend "Look at this, when have you seen any raid go like this? Especially by one little girl. Do you know how easy we could take back what's ours"

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