I headed into the kitchen and began to make both of us breakfast. A worry swirled around my head.

I had work later that day. Would it be safe for her to be alone? I wondered if I should worry that this is all an act and then she'll rob me. Although since I was in school, I didn't have much money for her to take. I glanced at the clock. "And I'm going to be late!" I made a hurried egg, placed it next to Ruby and a rushed note, hoping that she could read.

I shoved all my stuff into my backpacks and ran out the door.

"Hello darling," a female voice said as I grabbed the pole on the bus.

I looked up to see an older lady that I saw almost every day on the bus. "Hello. How are you?"

She smiled. "I am doing well. You nearly missed the bus."

"Yep." I exhaled a long sigh. "Yesterday was quite hectic."

"In what way?" she asked. She brushed her white curls from her face.

"Um, school," I said with a nod.

She smiled. "Ah. So, heading to school today?"

I nodded. "Yep. And then I work in the evenings." I groaned and rested my head against the pole.

"What's the matter?"

"I didn't do my homework last night."

"I thought you said it was hectic with school."

I gave a weak smile. "Yes... As in, I didn't get the rest of my homework done..." I bit my lip. How was I going to focus on anything when I had a pregnant woman at my house?

"That's not like you," she said with a laugh.

I looked at the floor. "I was distracted."

"Is there anything I could do to help?" she asked, reaching over to give my arm and gentle squeeze.

I shook my head. "Thank you, but no."

"Even just meals, deary. I'm happy to make your meals. You're shoving quite the amount of information into your brain. I'm sure you'll need it."

I smiled. "Thank you, ma'am... I-I actually may take you up on that offer."

She perked up. "I can do that. How big is your freezer?"

I laughed. "Not that large, I'm afraid." My smile soon faded. Was Ruby all right? If she missed or couldn't read my letter, would she begin to panic, in turn sending her into labor? I rested my head against the bar.


Needless to say, during my classes, I was a bit distracted.

On the bus home, my mind turned back to the man who had attacked Ruby. He had seen my face, even if for a few moments. A fear that he would turn up again began to surface. He knew or had a good idea where I lived as I had pulled her into the apartment.

As I approached my apartment, I was worried he would be there. I ran inside, not even looking around.

I exhaled a long sigh once I was in the elevator. I held my hand against my chest, my heart pounding.

"I'm back," I called as I walked in. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw my tiny apartment wasn't torn apart. I slipped my shoes off and found Ruby in my room. "Ruby."

She turned and smiled. "Cyrstal. It's late."

"Sorry, yeah. I didn't have time to explain to you." I let my backpack slip from my shoulders. It hit the ground with a loud thump, and my shoulders thanked me. "I was at school; then I went to work. How are you feeling?"

She rubbed her stomach. "He was kicking, but it wasn't too bad."

"I'm glad."

She tilted her head to one side. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine; thank you. I-I should get some homework done-" I flinched when she curled her arms around me.

"Thank you so much. And I'm sorry, I know by everything I've said you're likely scared and confused, but I am thankful you found me."

I sucked in a deep breath. Was she sincere or trying to trick me? "No-no problem. You've been able to find food easily?"

She nodded. "Yes, thank you..." She pulled back, took, and squeezed my hands. "I'm sorry, I'm nervous that the man from before will find me. What if he saw us enter the apartment?"

I forced a smile. Even though I had already thought of it, my heart rate spiked at the thought. I patted behind me before my fingers curled around the lock. I locked the door. My eyes widened. "The window!" I gave a nod. "Excuse me." I rushed past her, put the screen back in the window, and closed it from the day before. I exhaled a long sigh and looked down at my hands. They were shaking. "Ar-are you hungry, Ruby?"

"A little," she said, waddling into the kitchen, a hand pressed against her lower back.

I gave a sympathetic look before pulling out a chair for her. "Take a seat."

"Mm." She plopped in it backward, arms on the back of it.

I rummaged through my fridge to find hummus, carrots, and pita bread. I laid it in front of her before kneeling behind her and beginning to massage her lower back. "Help yourself."

She began groaning out of pleasure.

I smiled.

She slowly munched, but the majority of the time just sat there, enjoying it.

I rubbed her feet as well, and after I made sure she was well fed, I helped her back to bed.

I sat down and did homework for a few hours, munching on carrots before laying down on the couch.


It felt like I closed my eyes for five seconds when my phone alarm began to scream at me. "No, nooo," I moaned, rolling onto my front and tapping aimlessly on my phone until it hit the off button. I groaned as I pushed myself up. I rubbed my back. "This couch was not meant to sleep on." I whimpered before pushing myself off the couch. I stretched. "Ahhh," I whispered when my back cracked. I brushed my hair out of my face and headed to the kitchen to make myself and Ruby breakfast. "Faster, move faster. You need to get to school." I yawned before smacking my lips together. "I haven't been in school that long."

"Are you all right?" Ruby asked, asked, placing her hand on the doorway.

I screamed a little and dropped to the floor, clutching above my chest.

"Crystal!" she exclaimed, rushing over. "I-I'm sorry-"

"It's fine," I said, squeezing her hand. "I-I'm just not used to having someone in my house." I took a deep breath and rose to my feet. "What are you doing? I thought you would sleep longer."

"He was kicking too much," she said with a weak smile. She bit her lip.

"I-is there any painkiller that I can give you?" I asked, reaching for my small bucket of medicine.

She shook her head. "N-no, I can handle it."

I bit my lip. "Uh, we-well there are medicines here. Just please obey the instructions on the bottle."

She nodded. She groaned and held her stomach.

My heart began to pick up its pace. "Ar-are you sure you don't need a hospital-"

Ruby lurched forward and grabbed my shoulders.

I flinched.

"Please, I can't go to the hospital. If they find me, that could doom my kingdom."

"Doom your kingdom?" I whispered. I glanced at the clock on the wall. "I'm going to be late! Sorry, I gotta go!" I shoved everything into my backpack and ran out the door, barely remembering to lock it behind me.

The elevator was taking too long, so I dashed down the stairwell.

I ran outside but came to a screeching halt when someone caught my hair. I cried out and pulled away. I turned, and the color drained from my face. It was the man who was attacking Ruby!

Into the Centaur World (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now