Chapter 11

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Cohen's point of view

A force to be reckon with

I walks into the kitchen to get a cold fresh drink of water from a water bottle to clean my dry throat or to be hydrated because we get a long ahead when I say we I means Reagan and I will probably have to try to do some warming up before practice fighting.

I am too busy thinking about what training for fighting combat that we should do , like should just start with simply stretches or should I have running on the treadmill because weights might be to heavy for her.

I get so carry away thinking ahead of time for my training session with Reagan that I did not notice water spill on my t-shirt so , I have to take it off and I have to wipe off the remaining drop of water dripping down torso with some kitchen roll paper.

I am just about to put on my clean vest when I hear her walking down the stairs as she is also talking to someone on the phone which I thinks it could possibly be her best friend Rhea or it might be a boy who she is talking to.
"Ohh what is a crush because it definitely is not in my dictionary nor in my vocabulary?"she asks her best friend Rhea through via video calls on her phone and hearing that questions make me chuckle at her pretend to act dumb to her best friend.

I decided to listen more of their conversation about some bloke named Mason.

Do not get me wrong Mason seems like a decent guy but I do not think he is her type to be honest with you because he looks like the type of guy who will run for the hills if there is any signs of danger whereas I will protect her from any kind of harm and will laugh in the face of danger.

"Oh please why are you laughing about huh you and mason like each other but all you do is flirt with one another?" She said Mason name to her best friend Rhea again also I am wondering if you have a crush on Mason or this guy has a crush on her.

To wind her up ,i decided to step out of the kitchen to reveal to myself to her when she finds out that I have been standing there for long periods of time and I have been listening in on her conversation to her best friend Rhea talking about crushes and again what with this guy called Mason plus the only highlight of his party is meeting her.

"Mason who is mason Reagan?" I ask her confusingly walking upstairs towards where she is sitting and I pull her up off the stairs.

She weighs lighter than a feather which I figure that she need to eat more food or drink chocolate protein because it might be a problem for her if her opponent is too strong enough to lift off the ground.

"To answer your question about who Mason is ?Erm well Mason is a guy that I used to go to the same school as him and Rhea" She said hoping to make me jealous or try to get a reaction out of me by beating around the bush but I can really tell if she lying or not.

I teach every single one of fighters in my gym on how to look for signs if someone is lying or signs of weakness which is basic  level of training for level one or two to learn all in four steps.

"So is this Mason character a friend or something else more like friends with benefits or you are just using him to do your homework for you?" I asked her trying to get under her skin or on her nerves so that she could finally crack.

She clapped back at me obviously she is not very amused because  she knows that I am trying to get a reaction out of her but unfortunately she kept herself calm throughout our whole interaction.

"Cohen I do not that you think of me like I am that type of girl or even person to do that sorts of things , I would have you know that I am A star student because I work very hard on my work" she said to me offended by my assumption of her even though I was just joking around with her .

I just wish that I could take every words I say to her today because now I feel really bad about assuming what she is like as a person when in truly I know that what it say about her in her file.

"I am so sorry about what I say about you and can we please call it a truces"i said apologetic about assuming that she doesn't know the true meaning of hard work.

I should have already know better than to judge her based on what she looks like or the information about her in her files.

You first have to look them in eyes, getting really close to them, if they are blinking so many times or they breathe is getting heavier and lastly,you have to look for single signs of weakness when fighting.
"When I sometimes get my emotions tend to go out of control and I need someone to help me blow off the steam hmm maybe perhaps a little more cardio would help me to relax"she said flirty to me or she completely forgotten my assumption about her.
I honestly think that she is doing this on purpose turning into one of those girls who love to shamelessly flirt with me or throwing themselves at me in party.
She is very clever acting like those girls who overly flirt with me and for that she deserve a huge round of applause from me for Oscar ward wining acting skills.
"I see what you are trying to do here but it is not going to happen so go upstairs and change into some sporty clothes"i said sternly to her instead of entertaining her idea.
She looks at me with one eyebrow raise to questioning and then she started bursting laughing at my expense which she finds it very amusing herself.
"I am just going to listen to your instructions this one" she said to me once her giggle has finally ended.
She turns around to walk upstairs into her room to get change in sport apparel for our training session today and then she comes back downstairs looking better than a model in her sport wears.
"Reagan, our first lesson to day is going to be working on your fighting skills to see your fighting move"I said seriously to her keeping an eye on her stands and her body posture.
I walks around checking out her stands, body posture and reopening her fist to show her the correct way to make a fist when punching somebody.
I press play on my iPad for music to give us more motivation,lively and actively into a positive atmosphere when I think she is ready for the challenge I nods my to say go.

"You are so going down Cohen" She said trash talk me.
I swing my around five inch away from her face when she slowly goes back down onto the matt floor even though I didn't hit her.
"Do you want to end our lesson now or do you want to still keep going?" I ask her to see if she want to continue on with our lesson.

She reaches out for my hand when I am trying to help up and then suddenly she pulls my hand down so that I am not laying down on the floor.
"No I don't because I think you cannot keep up with me" she boasts bragging on about me losing to her.

I quickly use my finished move on her to turn us over now that she is the one who is laying on the floor while I pin her down.
"You must be clever to trick me like that and I admire your strength"i said in admiration to her.

We nearly kiss but then suddenly both of our phones started to ringing which was very unfortunate because I am feeling very tempted to kiss her.

We both stand up to answer our phone calls and then we relaxed for the rest of the day.

She is definitely a beautiful force to be reckoned with!

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