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As I scratched my face a little, I woke myself up as I felt the face towel isn't in my forehead anymore. I am feeling abit well, but not better. I yawned as I stretched my body and stood unto my feet, calling Jarvis. ❝ What time is it, Vis? ❞ I asks at the AI as it answered, ❝ 8:30 PM. ❞ It simply said as I nodded my head.

Uhm, where's Loki's whereabouts? ❞ I asks curiously, yet feeling myself abit nervous. He might have left when I was asleep. ❝ He is currently at the living room, Miss. Reading a book titled, "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban". ❞ It answered as I sighed in relief. Yet a sudden ghost smile appeared on my face as I felt euphoria rushing through my nerves. He did enjoyed the book after all.

As I washed my face to freshen up, I walked through the hallway to the elevator, clicking the button to the living room as I am eager to eat something. It's been 7 hours and 30 minutes since I fell asleep, not even eating anything for lunch. I heard my stomach grumbled as my thoughts were already full of foods and desserts. I groaned as I massaged my stomach. Wait a little while. I thought as I saw the elevator door opened.

I walked myself out as I immediately sprint to the kitchen, yet I saw Loki in my peripheral vision, sitting with the book at his hand as what Jarvis had told me. As I arrived at the kitchen, I opened the refrigerator and grabbed a snack as I walk back to the living room. I silently walk myself behind Loki, trying to scare him.

As I was about to scare him, he suddenly scoffed. ❝ Whatever you might be doing, I assure you, it won't work on me. ❞ I heard him as I pouted my lips. How did he knew? How would he knew about that? Argh. I rolled my eyes as I sat on the opposite couch to him. I saw him putting down the book as he layed his gaze on me, meeting his emerald green orbs with (E/C) of mine.

I saw him smirked. ❝ Hungry, are we? ❞ He teased as I didn't mind him, eating my snack silently. I smirked in return, ❝ Is something wrong with your eyes or you're just blind? You could obviously see me eating right now. ❞ I said as he frown. I can't help but crack a little laugh, because of his reaction.

He suddenly looked at me, his eyes screaming with seriousness. ❝ Are you okay now? ❞ He asks as I hummed. ❝ A bit. Well, but not better. My headache is still torturing me at the moment. ❞ I said as I look down on my snack, seeing it nothing but empty. I scoffed, putting the empty box on the table. I heard Loki shifting on his seat, ❝ Come with me. ❞ He said as I look up, curiosity are all over my face. He suddenly stood up, strutting unto his feet as I immediately followed even though I am struggling. Damn those long legs of his.

I immediately recognised where we were going as I saw us arriving at the kitchen. I looked at him, confused as he suddenly face me. ❝ I cooked something for you awhile ago. Though it's only fried, but I think it will do. ❞ He said as my eyes grew big. And then furrowed my eyebrows after. A prince? Cooking? For me? The prince of Asgard? Now this is something overwhelming. I thought as I saw him rolled his eyes.

I may be a prince, but that doesn't mean I can't cook. ❞ He suddenly said as I pursed my lips. ❝ But, aren't you guys have any maids back in Asgard? ❞ I asks as he nodded his head. ❝ My mother taught me how to cook. ❞ He suddenly said as he faced his back on me, walking to the refrigerator.

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