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I opened the door on Mr. Stark's room after Ms. Potts and I have talked. I was about to talk to Mr. Stark about something when I was shocked upon what my eyes had seen. I mean, who wouldn't be shock seeing some pictures of the Famous Captain America whom I actually had a "crush" on. Don't tell anybody. And some footage of the Hulk smashing things, and a woman and a guy that was in a middle of a fight, and the famous God of Thunder, Thor in action. What caught my attention the most was that blue cube that was labelled as the "Tesseract". It kind of look familiar in my eyes, which was weird.

With a mouth agape, Tony called my name, made my eyes diverted to him. I closed my mouth and cleared my throat, ❝ Sir! I am so sorry, I really should learn how to knock— ❞ I said as I was about to leave when Mr. Stark stopped me and said "it's okay" and I calmed down abit, looking at him.

He smiled. ❝ What were you doing in here? Do you need something or? ❞ He asks as I fidget my fingers, ❝ Uhm no— Actually sir, I was wondering if you needed something, Ms. Potts just had left to go to the airport for the trip, so I just thought you have something you needed my assistance for but turns out you don't so I'll be outside now— ❞ I said, almost mumbling it all out fast as he again stops me which made me confused.

What you saw, is something really confidential. So I'm expecting you not to tell anyone— as in, anyone— about it. Can I trust you about it? ❞ He exclaimed as I nodded my head yes and I suddenly acted as if my mouth was a zipper and zipped it closed, sign as "I am keeping it a secret and tell no one" thing at him, that actually made him smile in relief.

That's great. Now, I was actually in for a coffee, so can you make me some while I do my 'thing' here? ❞ He asks as he was walking to his monitor, which I particularly know that was Jarvis and nodded my head yes, ❝ Of course sir, right away. ❞ I said with a smile and did what I was told.

The whole day were spent with only Tony instantly calling my name whenever he wanted to ask something which I would answer and whenever he would want something for me to do and I would do what I was told. But nevertheless it was quite smooth, just me standing behind him, few inches far away from him as I tried my best not to "actually" look at him the whole time. I just don't want to interfere with the thing he's doing.

Hours had spent that I didn't even noticed it was already late at night. Tony called Happy for him to escort me home yet I declined at the offer and said that I had a motorbike back at the Stark Industries building so I just said I would just ride a cab back at the building and get to ride it back home which he refused, and insisted on escorting me with Happy. He said that a woman like me shouldn't be alone at this late at night, that actually made me feel warm. Such a gentleman, I wonder why would some people hates him.

I grinned to myself, ❝ You haven't eaten dinner, sir. Would you like me to order some food for you? Or I'll cook for you instead? ❞ I asks as I slowly walked myself near him, as I felt that my voice is kind of hoarse, meaning, my voice is kind of low. He shook his head no, ❝ No, order cheeseburgers instead. I'll tell Happy to do it instead of you. You should go and rest now. And besides, I'm full with your coffee thanks to you. ❞ He said with a grin that made me smile at him then glared at him playfully. ❝ You were the one who always asks for it for the last minute, sir. ❞ I said, with a smirk.

Oh boy, it's not my fault you make such a great coffee. Don't tell Pepper. ❞ He said as I laughed at his statement. I can feel a blush spreading to my cheeks yet I tried to hide it. ❝ Will do, sir. And that's a lie. My coffee is just native. ❞ I said as I shook my head at him, which he only responds with a smile at me.

thoughts and memories. loki laufeyson.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora