Compared to this paradise, Post-Flare Denver looked like... a sewer. Sorry.

Penny tried to stop thinking about the family she left behind (in the said sewer) and went on a lonely night stroll. Minutes later, she found herself standing in front of the sacred stone monument.

She had heard of the history though very, very briefly: how the Leaders were subjects of W.I.C.K.E.D.'s inhumane experiment; had their memories wiped; placed to live within the Maze for three years; got into numerous battles with Grievers; walked two hundred miles through the Scorch; had their memories returned (well, most of them); escaped; infiltrated Denver; then saved the recaptured ones before heading in here with a band of rebels called the Right Arm.

That was all.

The Leaders weren't... sociable. They were, like, ganged up and acted very exclusively.

Penny ran her fingers over the grafted names. None of them were familiar to her.

Okay, maybe that one, Adam, had the same name as her classmate. And that one, Jeff, was one of the neighbour kids. And that one, Beth, was the name of Amy's best friend... Chuck...

"He was an extremely curious boy, in case you're wondering. Probably twelve when he died."

Penny jolted in surprise and gasped when she saw one of the infamous Leaders, Newt, standing six feet away. She had to blink twice to make sure she wasn't imagining things.

"Oh, God, sorry," Penny said, placing a hand on her chest, "I didn't mean to— I mean, the stone didn't get hurt— I wasn't—"

Newt chuckled, "I know, I know! You can calm down."

"Yeah..." Penny grimaced.

"Sorry to disturb your alone time," Newt pointed to his house with his thumb, which was the one closest to the monument, "I notice that you're always up and about every midnight for... quite some time now."

"You've been watching me...?"

"No! No, no, no," Newt replied hurriedly, "I just... I always see you whenever I get out here in the middle of the night. That's all."

Penny's lips made a silent 'O' sound and nodded.

"Okay... Good. You're not a creep."

What the hell, Penny. Call your freaking Leader a creep.

"Yes, I'm really not. What's your name?"

"Uh, Penny," she grimaced once more, "Penelope Scott, but it's a mouthful, so just call me Penny. I mean, people just call me Penny."

She could see the boys' eyes literally twinkling in amusement.

"Hi, Penny. I'm Newt."

"Yeah, I know. You're a Leader, you're in the Search Party with Minho, so you're rarely in the camp, and you're the only one with thick British accent around here..." Penny faltered when she caught herself rambling. Shit. Get a hold of yourself, Pen. "...Right?"

But Newt didn't seem to be bothered by that. "Right! And what about you? Which division are you?"

"I'm, uh, I help around here. With the children."

"Oh... So you're with Sonya and Frankie!"

"Yes, yeah! Sonya and Frankie..."

"Sonya's my sister."

"I know."

They both nodded and looked around awkwardly, as if searching for any conversation topic but failed miserably.

Penny, feeling suffocated by the chilly night air and the lump building in her throat all of a sudden, abruptly exclaimed, "I should probably get back!"

"Yeah, yeah!" Newt said, "Go on then. Good night."

This is a nightmare, Penny thought. Worst first impression in history of the world, ever!

She racked her brain, trying to find a better farewell or at least some smart, impressive statement, but she ended up squeaking, "Good night!"

And that was it. She turned around, blushed profusely, and didn't stop walking until she was securely back in the comfort of her bed.

Penny threw the blanket over her face. That night, the ghost of her father no longer haunted her mind.


NEWT LEANED BACK onto one of the picnic tables surrounding the monument as he kept his eyes glued to the young girl's bouncing curls.

Three... Four... Five... Sixteen... Seventeen... She lives in Hut 17-B.

"That girl is weird," he scoffed.

Still, it didn't stop a genuine smile from blooming on his face. He stood up and made his way back home, "Cute."


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