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Mrs. Bennett’s POV

A loud bang is heard through the streets of the capital of Ekim. It has begun.

Our planet started to run out of resources a few months ago and our government promised us to find a way to stop this from happening. But it wasn’t anything more than false hope. All over the planet, the government has released diseases and monsters to bring the entire population to extinction. They needed this planet for her gemstones and oil but since there’s almost nothing left anymore, they decided to just leave the planet as a cold and useless thing.

My eyes wonder to the little boy who’s wrapped in warm blankets. My beautiful son. His father and I are working on a plan to get our newborn to a safe place, very far away from here. He deserves a wonderful and happy life, not death. Mr. Bennett grabs my hand and squeezes it softly. “It’s time..” he says. The tears that I have been holding back for several months are now finally released. “I know it’s hard to let him go, I know.. But it’s best for our son.. He can’t stay here with us.. You know how dangerous that would be..” I look at my husband and nod understandingly. I have to let him go. We have to let him go.

We both get up from our seats and make our way to our son’s little bed. “Farewell, my son.” Mr. Bennett says while holding back his tears. We both hold our son closely before putting him in a special box. This box will send him to a better place. We don’t know how long it will take but we do know that he’ll get somewhere where he can live a normal life without fear.

Mr. Bennett and I both stand in silence for a couple of minutes before closing the box and locking it with a special lock. In this lock there’s a very rare diamond that we’ve been hiding from all the other people of Ekim. The diamond is able to find love and safety. And that are the two most important things our son needs and deserves.

“We love you.. Stay safe and never forget where you came from. You will meet us again one day, we promise.”

And with those words, the box disappears and our son is sent to a better place.

Planet Ekim - Twenty 4 SevenWhere stories live. Discover now