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I looked at Chan and saw him looking at his hands "you're bleeding"

"Yah it's from the tree, it's not that big"

"What do you mean? It's a large cut" I opened my bag and wipe his hand with wipes, I grabbed a handkerchief and tie it to his hand

I closed my bag and put it on my back again "let's go" after Hours of Box Hunting, It's already 3 pm and we gathered only ten boxes

While we are walking, I noticed that this place is familiar,  "Are we lost? I think we past this area earlier"

"Not earlier, it's yesterday, we're near the cabin, I noticed that it's already three and we need to rest for a bit and a clean place to eat so I lead us here" he stopped so I stopped too, I looked in front and saw

"The cabin" I ran inside and put my bag at the corner, I know that it's only been a day but I miss this cabin

"I remember that the table doesn't have any cover in it yesterday, but now there is" Chan said, I looked at the table and saw a white cover

We both went near the table and took the cover out, There's a big box under, Chan pulled the box and opened it, there's a letter again

"You may or may not be the one who got the golden ribbon, but now that you found the golden treasure or golden box, you gained 1000 points, which means you are very lucky and you can just stay in this cabin until it's time to go to the campsite, Have fun, take your time CONGRATULATIONS" Me and Chan looked at each other and smiled

"Nice one, thanks cabin" Me and Chan high fived, we took off our shoes, we put the food on the table and we also sat on the table then we eat

After resting and cleaning our mess, I decided to open my phone and do A vlog, like a cabin tour, because I don't want to forget this place and I will probably miss this

I turned on the camera and smiled "Hello! If you're watching this then you are probably bored or just missing this place" I said referring to myself

"Are you live?" I looked behind me and saw Chan

"No, just a video to watch when I'm bored" I said so Chan stood next to me to fit in the screen

"And Hello, I am Lee Chan, I should probably be in this video since I'm good looking so you won't be too bored just watching yourself talk" Chan smiled matching with his eye smile so I hit his arm that made him glared at me

"So we're gonna start outside" I opened the door and stood outside "I'm gonna hold the cam then you'll do the talking" Chan said so I nodded and gave him my phone

"This is the outside, I mean the front side, I am taller than the door actually"

"No you're not, you're just far from the door" Chan said so I glared at him

"Now let's go inside, This is small but still I want to show every corner, So this is the Sink where I found our Golden Ribbon which have Five Hundred points" I let out a small "yeay" and started laughing

"Next, I'll show you the chair that I broke, not because I sit on it but because it's not that strong anymore, so I'm not the one to blame okay?"

"No, she sat on there and broke it"

"Stop lying Chan".

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