Chapter 5: "Cold"

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I felt like I dreamed again. As if everything that happened yesterday had been just a bad dream and nothing else.

I thought it was just that, but for my bad luck, it was all real.

And not only that, also...

"Cough, cough!"

Just a few seconds after waking up, I was already coughing.

The cough was so intense that it was simply impossible for me to stop it.

I felt like I was going to run out of air from so much coughing, and I also felt like at some point while I started coughing I would spit blood or something like that.

Maybe I was exaggerating a bit when I thought that, but understandably, I just woken up.

I got off the bed as best I could, however, it was very difficult for me.

As I sat on the edge of the bed, I felt my mind begin to go from side to side.

I probably had a fever, but I don't know how many degrees I am.

I got out of bed being a little weak, and with the little strength I had, I headed for the door. When I reached it, I leaned on the door knob and on the door itself, because the fever made me were very weak.

"Ah...  Ah...”

I was beginning to gasp, as my body felt too hot, to the point of seeming to explode.

The fever was attacking me very strongly all over my body, and now I was very weak.

Even with that, I proceeded to open the door and leave my room.

Already in the hall, I manage to notice that my mom wasn't home yet, which is no longer a surprise. However, for a situation like this, I wish there was someone.

I started walking down the hall slowly, always leaning against the wall to not fall on the floor.

I walked very slowly towards the bathroom, where I opened the door and leaned directly against the wall that was there.

I opened the drawer where we kept the thermometers as best I could, along with the soakable towels I needed to lower my temperature.

As I pulled all of this out, I leaned my right arm against the wall, and took everything as I could. I turned around, and headed for my room again, at the same slow pace as before.

Geez… It's so difficult for me… To think with… Clarity…

I was really bad.

As I returned to my room, I began to cough again, this time with a big intensity.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

I almost let go everything I had in my hands, but I kept them in my hands, and I also kept my posture, and then I came back to my room.

As soon as I got to my bed I proceeded to sit down, and after taking a bit of air, I lay back on my bed, taking the thermometer.

I started taking my temperature.


It's more than I thought. Now I was beginning to understand why I felt so bad, my fever is very high.

I took one of the soakable towels I had for situations like this, and applied one on my head, after wringing it out a bit.

I lay down facing the ceiling with the towel over my forehead, I guess I had nothing else to do but sleep.

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