Chapter 2: Start of Something New

Start from the beginning

May: I'm sorry...

I then let out a sigh as I then tried to forget what happened just now. Juniper came back with four Unovan Pokedexes in hand. She handed one Pokedex to Dawn, one to May, one to Misty, and at last, one to me.

Juniper: I entrust you with a Pokedex in hope that you may finish it as soon as possible, preferably in a year.

Y/N: I'll try my best in finishing it, I'll tell you that.

Juniper: Who knows? I might even give you a reward for your hard work.

Y/N: What kind of "reward" if I may ask?

Juniper: It's a...uhm...huh, I still haven't thought of it. But I will give you something for your troubles, that's for sure.

Y/N: At least you'll give me something.

I then put the Pokedex in my bag and I checked to see if the Spas 12 was still intact and had it's safety on. I then swung my backpack on back into position with one swift movement.

Juniper: If, I may ask, does that thing have a license?

Y/N: Yes, it does. Wanna see the papers?

Juniper: No need, I just wanted to know if you did have one.

Y/N: Don't worry, I have trigger discipline. Besides, this thing saved my ass couple of times. In case you're wondering, no, I barely shoot Pokémon with this, and the ones I shoot at are High Level Threats.

May: Yup! Y/N once shot an Aggron at Dewford to temporarily stagger it and pull ourselves out of the cave!

Juniper: I...nevermind. Are you all set for the journey that awaits you?

Y/N: The moment that we set foot on this region, we were already set for a journey. I'll try and finish the Pokedex as soon as I can, Professor, I promise you that.

Juniper: *giggles* I appreciate your help, Y/N. I hope you all have safe travels!

Then I put the Pokedex in my backpack and I started walking out of the laboratory, Misty, May and Dawn followed. But suddenly, a pokeball in my backpack started moving on it's own. But before I could even react, the pokeball was out of the bag and it opened itself. And the moment that the pokeball opened itself, I knew that it was Yurika.

(Yes, this is what she wears and what she really looks like

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(Yes, this is what she wears and what she really looks like. She's very smart and sentient, sometimes a bit childish.)

She went outside her Pokeball and she was holding a piece of paper and she had stars in her eyes and a wide grin on her face she goes a bit closer to Juniper's face, I rubbed my temples and I groaned, while Juniper was dumbfounded to see Yurika.

Yurika: Oh my Arceus! Professor, I'm a huge fan of you! Can I have your autograph?!

Juniper: Oh my God...y-you can talk?!

To Rule Them All (Pokemon Universe x Male reader) (18+, Harem)Where stories live. Discover now