"Carter... it's ok. He'll show up." Caroline said as she came up behind me to rub my shoulders.

"Why would he though? For me? Because if hed do it for me he would've answered the first time I called him, then the 10th time, and the 50th time! His whole coven will be there- why would he want to go? Just to be put back in hell again?" I asked as I put eyeshadow on.

"I'm just gonna go. I'll see you girls later." Caroline said and left, I sighed and continued with my makeup.

When me and Elena were done we went upstairs right after Bonnie left to help Matt with something. Then Stefan called Elena. He was talking about how he thought it through, I'm assuming he was implying their human life together. Elena told him to push Damon more and to make him see all the things hed miss. When she hung up she finished her glass of champagne.

"If you know he wants you be human with you, why dont you let him be human? Hes obviously proven himself to you that he knows what he wants." I said looking over at her.

"Because Carter, he doesn't. He cant do it for me, he cant do it for Stefan. He has to do it for himself and I want him to see that."

"But he can do it for you- cant he? He can take it so you and him can have the perfect human life you've always wanted. I just dont understand why you cant understand that."

"You know what Carter? I get your sad and lonely for leaving your fiance, but that was your choice. You dont need to put down my relationship just because you lost your own." She snapped, I rose my eyebrows at her then speed her up against the wall, my hand on her throat slightly squeezing.

"You know, Warrior Princess. Your not a vampire anymore, which means if I snap you neck this time your really dead. Damon would be sad, sure. But the least I can do is compel you out of his mind along with everyone else. So not only will you be dead, you'll just blink out of existence. Poof." I said as I dropped my hand from her throat and walked back to where I was sitting.

"Your a real bitch, Carter." She mumbled.

"Ah Ah! Vamp hearing, watch yourself, princess." I said tapping my ear. Just then Jo came in the room.

"Ladies, I dont need your drama today. Elena, no more. I'm going to go make you coffee before you spiral into the floor and dig yourself to China." Jo said and then walked away. Then she started to get drowsy, I saw it in her footsteps. She grabbed onto the piano and then dropped the glass she had taken from Elena's hands. Me and Elena looked at each other then she fell, not before hitting her head on the piano and fainting.

"Jo!" We both ran over to her, I bit my wrist and was going to feed her my blood but Elena stopped me.

"Just go grab me my phone and I'll call 911! If you give her your blood we'll have to make sure she doesnt die today." I scoffed but willingly called 911.

They came and picked her up, she woke up soon after and asked me and Elena to not tell Ric. We looked at each other and rushed outside right as he got there.

"Look, you can tell her we told you." Elena said to him as  we power walked outside the hospital doors.

"Ok fine but I want to see her." He said.

"Not until the wedding." I answered.

"Carter, Elena."

"Hey, if there is anywhere you should be superstitious, its Mystic Falls." She said.

"Shes ok Ric, just pre wedding jitters. The doctors think that she had a panic attack." I said trying to calm him down.

"As in she doesnt want to get married to me panic attack?" He asked looking at the both of us.

"No as in it's her wedding day and she has two small humans growing inside her and she can't self medicate like you."

"Yeah bourbon breath." We all chuckled. I couldn't stop the thought coming to my head that it was perfectly fine for Jo to be stressed but not me. I mean I was going to get married, I'm having babies, and I just lost the most important person to me. I try to help out one of my best friends girlfriend and she tells at me, but Jo gas a panic attack and Elena sticks up for her.

We had to stay there for a few more hours, then she could go. When we got back to the Salvatores house we got our dresses on and were starting to get ready for the final touches before the wedding officially started.

We got ready and just started hanging out with others at the venue before the wedding started. Damon and Stefan came back, Damon and Elena had gone somewhere else and for the start Caroline and Stefan were talking. While the were I was just sitting around, waiting for something to happen or for someone to tell me what to do. I felt lonely just sitting around watching a bunch of Gemini walking around the venue. I was the only person here without someone, I started missing Malachai more then ever eight now. I wanted him here with me and there was nothing more I needed.


The wedding was about to start and we couldn't find Elena or Damon anywhere. Me and Caroline were panicking trying to find them, Caroline gave up on calling them and told Stefan to start the music. I tried calling Bonnie and Matt but neither of them answered either. I was sitting next to Stefan while Caroline was in the back instructing people where to go. All of the sudden I saw Damon and Elena walk up the aisle. The music played and Jo walked towards the altar with her father around her arm. The look of his face disgusted me, it made me think of Malachai and all that man put him through. He gave her away and she stood before us all, then the music slowly stopped.

" Welcome friends and family on this magical evening, to the wedding of Alaric Salzman and Josette Laughlin. Josette and Alaric have prepared their own vows." The reverend said.

" Never one of us should be here right now come up we spent our lives dodging fate, and beating the odds. But because we did, I got to meet you. The most beautiful, hilarious, and the most intimidatingly smart woman I've ever know. You inspire me. You've shown me that happiness is actually something that I can have in my life. M so I promise to be with you, and love you, and to dodge fate with you for the rest of our lives." He said and placed her ring on her finger. She sniffled and as she wiped the tear falling from her eye.

"Oh god. That's a tough act to follow." She said with a smile and the room laughed.

"Alaric Saltzman, you are-" She was cut off by something. The smile that was once placed on my face for once slowly died ad I saw her beautiful white dress stain with red as she was stabbed. She screamed as she fell into Rics arms, just then Malachai appeared behind her. You could see fear fill the room and she fell to the floor in Rics arms. Malachai smiled as he watched his sister fall to the floor.

"I was going to wait till the 'Death do us part' bit... but it seemed a little on the nose. Am I right?" He announced with his adorable giggle, if he hadn't just stabbed his own sister you'd think it was an innocent laugh. But it was far from that. People started to stand up but he raised his hand and everyone held their heads. Something was happening and I didnt know what, my brain felt small bounces of pain that made me wince but I didnt feel hurt. It felt like my body was feeding off of the magic he forced into the room.

"Miss me?" He asked with a smile, I could feel the pain in my mind start to feel constant but it still didnt hurt enough to put me on the floor.

"No? Oh well." He rose his hand that held the bloody knife and moved it. Just as he did all the glass around us exploded and everyone dropped to the floor, including me. The power when the glass exploded made me hit my head on the hard floor, it took me a few seconds to stand up after the room stopped spinning. Chandeliers had fallen beside me making me explode with more fear then I already had.

While everyone else was down I stood up, my dress that showed my obvious baby bump was ripped down the side and my once curly tight hair had now loosened and was a little frizzy. I couldn't find my balance at first but when I did I looked at him, his eyes trailed me up and down, his smile was still there but it had changed in a way. Like he was happy to see me even though I had been calling him for a week straight.

"Malachai." I said as I stared at him, he rose his hand and waved with his fingers making my body overwhelm itself with butterflies. I couldn't help but smile.

Never Apart (Always With Him sequel) Kai ParkerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat