Lesson 21

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In this lesson, we are going to have a look at how to make negative sentences in Korean.

There are mainly two ways to do this.

How to make negative sentences in Korean

1. Adding [an] before a verb

2. Using the negative verb ending, 지 않다 [ji an-ta]

Method #1 is more simple and more colloquial, and
method #2 is relatively formal but not necessarily only for formal situations.

If you want to use method #1, and add [an] before a verb, it's easier than method #2 because you don't have to worry about the different tenses of your sentences. The word [an] doesn't change the tense.


가다 [ga-da] = to go

집에 가요. [jib-e ga-yo] I'm going home. / I go home.

집에 안 가요. [jib-e an ga-yo] I'm NOT going home. / I DON'T go home.

집에 안 가요? [jib-e an ga-yo?] You're NOT going home? / You DON'T go home?

버리다 [beo-ri-da] = to throw away

그거 버렸어요. [geu-geo beo-ryeo-sseo-yo] I threw it away

그거 버렸어요. [geu-geo an beo-ryeo-sseo-yo] I DIDN'T throw it away.

그거 아직 안 버렸어요. [geu-geo a-jik an beo-ryeo-sseo-yo] I DIDN'T throw it away yet.

Examples using method #2 (adding 지 않다 [ji an-ta])

않다 [ji anta] is the basic form and you need to conjugate it according to the tense, too

Present tense:
지 않아요 [ji a-na-yo]

Past tense: 지 않았어요 [ji a-na-sseo-yo]

** You can apply the same verb conjugating rules as for the other verbs.

가다 [ga-da] = to go

가지 않다 [ga-ji an-ta] = to not go

가지 않아요 [ga-ji a-na-yo] = I DON'T go. / I'm NOT going.

가지 않았어요 [ga-ji a-na-sseo-yo] = I DIDN'T go.

버리다 [beo-ri-da] = to throw away

버리지 않다 [beo-ri-ji an-ta] = to not throw away

버리지 않아요 [beo-ri-ji a-na-yo] = I DON'T throw it away.

버리지 않았어요 [beo-ri-ji a-na-sseo-yo] I DIDN'T throw it away.

Very short sample dialogs


A: 아파요? [a-pa-yo?] = Does it hurt?

B: 안 아파요. [an a-pa-yo] = It doesn't hurt.

A: 안 아파요? 진짜 안 아파요? [an a-pa-yo? jin-jja an a-pa-yo?] = It doesn't hurt? It really doesn't hurt?

B: 안 아파요. [an a-pa-yo] = It doesn't hurt.

A: 안 먹어요? [an meo-geo-yo?] = You are not going to eat?

B: 안 먹어요! [an meo-geo-yo!] = I'm not eating!

A: 정말 안 먹어요? 맛있어요! [jeong-mal an meo-geo-yo? ma-si-sseo-yo] = You are really not going to eat? It's delicious.

B: 안 먹어요. 배 안 고파요. [an meo-geo-yo. bae an go-pa-yo] = I'm not eating. I'm not hungry3.

A: 이거 매워요? [i-geo mae-wo-yo?] = Is this spicy?

B: 아니요. 안 매워요. [a-ni-yo. an mae-wo-yo] = No. It's not spicy.

A: 진짜 안 매워요? [jin-jja an mae-wo-yo?] = It's really not spicy?

B: 네. 안 매워요. [ne. an mae-wo-yo] = No, it's not spicy

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