"Well... You're going to be staying here for awhile."

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   Next thing I knew, I heard gunshots coming from all around us. "Kill the Earl! He's in this carriage!" I heard men scream from outside. "Ahhh!" I yelled as I suddenly felt the carriage turn over. "Go go! Kill the damn brat already!" I heard deep voices get closer and closer until my vision and hearing got all hazy. Suddenly, everything went silent. Next thing I knew, all I could see was black.
*End Flashback*

   As I opened my eyes, I immediately noticed the pain in my head. I felt as though I'd hit my head hard on something. As I looked around I noticed I was in... the room where Sebastian and I had sex!? "What's going on!? Someone help!" I yelled out as I got up out of the bed I was laying in. I looked around, my vision slightly blurred. I felt dizzy and nauseous. "My lady, are you alright!?" Meyrin came running in, pushing a tray with many things on it in front of her.

   I nodded, then sat back down on the bed. "I just... what is going on? I'm supposed to be home. I remember getting into the carriage then we le-" Then it hit me. The gunshots... the men... mom... Tears started pouring down my face. "Please, get me the Earl...!" I said angrily as tears streamed down my cheeks. This isn't really happening... I'm fine... Mother's fine... I'm just having a nightmare... I tried to console myself into thinking that it's fine but to no avail.

   "Oh umm I'll get him!" Meyrin nodded then ran out of the room. I sat down on the bed and ran my hands across the soft quilt on the bed, the tears still streaming down my face. Why did I ever come here..? I knew probably should be angry, scared, or sad but for some reason... all I felt was empty. I sat there alone for who knows how long. It was probably only about ten minutes, but it felt like an eternity.

   Suddenly, Ciel walked in. He didn't even look me in the eye as he sat down next to me on the bed. "So how are you feeling? Does your head hurt?" He asked surprisingly calmly. "Oh, well.. It hurts a little. Is there anything I can drink?" I suddenly realized how thirsty I was, my mouth practically dry. He nodded as he got up and walked over to the tray which Meyrin had brought in earlier. He poured me a small cup of tea, his hand actually seeming like he wasn't used to it.

   "Ciel, you don't really seem used to doing that." I said surprisingly. "Oh, well Sebastian usually does those types of things for me." He said as he handed me the cup of tea. I thanked him and took a sip, then set it on the bed stand next to me. "So Ciel... What exactly happened? Why am I still here?" As I asked this, my eyes started tearing up. I know that it's rude to cry in front of a nobleman, but it's not like I can hold it back.

   Luckily, he started speaking before I could let my tears out. "(Y/n)... There was an accident with the carriage. It flipped over, with you and your mother inside. Your mother... She didn't make i-" And that's when I started crying. I didn't even let him finish. I'm not stupid... I know what he's going to say... My mom didn't make it.

   I just sat there on the bed, the same bed where I thought I let down my mother, crying about her death. Why did all of this happen!? What did I do to deserve this? I cried into my hands for god knows how long, only to suddenly feel Ciel's hand on my arm. "C-ciel? What are you doing?" It's not like I expected the Earl to comfort me. He's the head of one of the most famous families in the world, why would he sympathize with m- And that's when I understood. The Earl had lost his parents at a young age.

    "(Y/n), It'll be okay. I'm not saying you'll ever get over the pain, because you never truly do. Time tends to make some of the sorrow, the grief, and the sadness go away, but not all of it. That betrayal of them leaving you... It's something that never truly fades. But I do know one thing. If you keep pushing fore ward, and try to make the best out of everything, than you can move on with your life."

   After Ciel spoke, I just sat there in awe. What he said was so poetic, yet all of it made sense. "Ciel... Thank you for everything. Other than everything that happened here with Sebastian, you and the rest of the servants, Meyrin, Finnian, and Baldroy, have all made me feel so welcome." I smiled as he sat down next to me. "(Y/n)... There's something I have to tell you."

   I looked at him confused. What else is there to tell me? How and when I'll be going back home? "What is it, Ciel?" He sighed and looked at the floor, almost seeming ashamed of what he was about to say.

   "Well... You're going to be staying here for awhile."

   What was he talking about? Shouldn't I be going now, to say what happened to my mom? "Why do I have to stay?" I asked kind of worriedly. "Well I can only imagine what would happen to the Funtom Company if the news of your mother's death at my manor got out, so... you're going to stay here." I just stared at him. "What do you mean I'm going to stay here...?"

   "You're going to become a permanant resident of the Phantomhive Manor."

   "Ciel what do you mean!? I can't stay here foreve-" Just as I said that, the huge window in the room shattered. The glass flew everywhere, making small cuts on my arms and lags and I'm pretty sure hitting Ciel too. As I looked at where the window just was, I just stared. I was expecting some kind of bomb or large object... not a person.

   The man looked at me through his red glasses, his green eyes seeming to be peering into my soul. "Oh my, looks like that wasn't enough to kill the poor dear. Don't worry, I'll be sure to make it quick." He gave me wide smirk, revealing is sharp teeth. As he lunged towards me, I could make out that he was holding... a chainsaw!?

   It seemed like time went in slow motion. I saw the man's long red hair trailing in the background as he lunged for me. I couldn't hear the roar of his chainsaw, or the words I saw Ciel saying out of the corner of my eye. Just as the tip of chainsaw was an inch away from my chest, it stopped. As I looked up, I stopped also. Standing there, was Sebastian, holding the man down on the floor by stepping on him.

   "Oh Sebas-chan! I love it when you punish me!" The man yelled as Sebastian pulled his long, red hair. "Tch. Grell why did you even come here?" Sebastian said annoyed as he let the man, Grell I think Sebastian said his name was, up off the floor. "Sebas-chan, you're so curious! It makes me want to see what else you're wondering abou-" Just as Grell said that, Sebastian punched him. "Oh Sebas-chan! You touch me with such force!" Sebastian sighed. "Really, Grell. Why are you here?"

   "Well this girl right here was on the to-die-list. She was supposed to die in a carriage accident but for some reason she didn't, so I came in here to kill her myself and reap her soul." I just sat there with my eyes wide open. "W-what do you mean i was supposed to die?" I asked nervously, not knowing what was going on. "(Y/n), Grell is a grim reaper. He collects the souls of the people who are scheduled to die with his death scythe."

   I couldn't beleive what I was hearing. All the monsters that I thought were just myths, demons and grim reapers, are actually real. Part of me felt like this was it, nothing can get any crazier... But for some reason another part of me thought the opposite.

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