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I threw myself around the corner, tripping over a crack in the sidewalk as I did. I caught myself with my hands on instinct as the pavement flew up to smack me in the face, scraping my palms along the rough surface as tiny pebbles embedded themselves in my skin. I picked myself up, brushing my hands off as I sprinted through the doors and down the main corridor. I flew up the closest staircase without thinking about it; I knew the layout of this school like the back of my hand by now. I really was late today, more so than usual. I almost collapsed, sliding a foot or two when I made it to my locker.
"Well there you are. Took you long enough," teased a familiar voice.
"Charlie," I sighed. "But what about you, huh? You're going to be late too."
"No, I am not!" his tone was inflicted with false hurt. He clicked his tongue, "You have so little faith in me. C'mon, let's go." I sighed, but obliged nevertheless, almost jogging to keep up with his casual, long-legged stride.
We plopped into our seats just as the tardy bell rang, Mr. Roberts looking slightly disappointed that he hadn't had the chance to bust us for our near-tardiness.
Charlie smoothly scooted his chair over to me as soon as the lights were out; we were finishing a video from the last couple of days.
"So. What's your excuse for today?" he whispered in my ear.
I sighed. He always chastised me like this. "Well, I don't know. I guess I lost track of time. Then I missed the bus." I shrugged and held my palms out in surrender. Oops.
"What happened to your hands?"
Great. He'd noticed. "I fell." I could feel the blush rising to my cheeks.
He gently brushed the scrapes with the tip of his thumb, shaking his head.
"SHH!" Mr. Roberts glared over his glasses at us from his desk, eyes narrowed.
We were silent after that, but we, or I at least, paid no attention to the video. I sat as close as I dared with everyone around us until class ended, Charlie still cradling my hand between his.

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