Chapter 55-56

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Chapter 55: A Disturbance in the Folk Music Circle 1

Some people opposed it, while others supported the pairing.

As the number of replies increased, a few ‘outliers’ emerged.

—[Abstinent film emperor vs beautiful vase, isn’t this the cookie cutter entertainment circle romance?]

—[the moment these two appear together, all that’s missing is a soft light filter to turn it into a scene from a romance drama. As someone with an appearance complex, I support this couple]

—[Forgive my straightforwardness, but I was home all weekend picking my feet, so I watched the entire stream. Xiang Yi knows how to cook and play the sanxian, and she’s pretty and has a good personality. Where is the ‘unworthiness’ to date Shi Sui?]

One after another, fans came on and off the platform to tear away at the popularity of these posts, some even being transferred to Weibo’s marketing accounts.

Because it came with a #ShiSui hashtag, the Shisui Sisters constantly saw these posts appearing on their Weibo feed. They were furious.

There’s still a basic law if you want to create a scandal, okay?

Top-tier rumor-mongering could still be glorified as a marketing method.

But what right did this eighteenth-tier vase have to leech off Shi Yingdi’s popularity?

The Shisui Sisters were mostly pretty mature as they urged everyone to stay calm and ignore the Vase Fairy. However, some emotional fans had resorted to mocking and ridiculing Xiang Yi on her Weibo.

—[Want to create a dating rumor, are you worthy??]

—[F*ck, what is indisputable in this world? If you really didn’t want to fight for it, then leave the cast. Without you, Two Under One Roof would be even better]

—[Our Gege has actual achievements like box office hits, awards, luxury endorsements, and four major magazine covers. What do you have? Stir fry? That’s laughable ]

—[How many women in the past had sacrificed their blood, sweat, and tears for women’s suffrage to be equal to men? But you? Are you trying to take women back to the stove and become housewives? Is the value of a woman only reflected by their cooking?!]

The netizens watched the drama unfold with relish, sighing in unison. Shi Yingdi wasn’t a top ranking ‘fresh meat’*, but his fans were even more ferocious than that of an actual fresh meat.

The Vase Fairy was going to be ridiculed until she shut herself off. .

Maybe she won’t even appear in tomorrow’s streams.

But someone sent a peculiar post: “All things said, didn’t the Vase Fairy say she was going to make fried milk tomorrow morning? I kind of want to see if it’s tasty or not…”

The statement resonated with several people.

To be honest… If the Vase Fairy were to just cook and not try anything demonic, she would not actually be that annoying.

At this time, Xiang Yi’s place in the hearts of most people was equivalent to that of a chef for “Two Under One Roof”.

While the scathing comments were in full swing, a well-known music critic in the Chinese industry suddenly posted a Weibo.

[A Grey Turtle Dove V]: I haven’t posted on Weibo in a while, and several friends and fans have been concerned about my current situation. I’ll explain it here: The last few days, my father has been in an ill state. We’ve visited several famous doctors to no avail; he is still exhausted. I don’t think he has much time left.

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