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“Are you sure you don’t want us to go with you?” Suzie asked me as I put my shoes on.

“I’ll be okay,” I said, looking up at her as I smiled. “I’ll only go the way I know. I promise. I’ll be gone for maybe fifteen minutes.”

“Okay,” She said, watching as I picked up the leash from the ground. Dixie sat patiently by the door, her tail wagging as I got ready.

“Don’t get lost. I don’t feel like finding you,” Joseph said, patting my shoulder as he yawned, walking past me towards his room. I rolled my eyes.

“Good to know you care,” I said, opening the door.

“Please be careful, signorina,” Suzie said.

“I will. It’s just a walk. I’ll be fine. See you in a bit!” I said, waving to them as I exited the room, and then soon the home. Suzie Q had offered her family home for us to stay in while we were here, and I was thankful so we didn’t have to mess around with a hotel. The sun had set not long ago, leaving the city in darkness. However, most of the town was illuminated by shops open late at night and the street lamps. I made a mental note to walk on the side with all the lamps, keeping myself in the light.

I sighed, my lips curling into a small smile as I looked around. Most of the people had retired, leaving the street empty. Without all the bodies, commotion, and noise, it was peaceful. I peered over the railing of the bridge, looking into the water. I could see myself in the water. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before turning away. However, I stumbled back after crashing into a chest.

“Oh! I’m sorry!” I exclaimed. “I wasn’t looking where I was going!”

“That’s alright,” A male voice said. I looked up at the man, a smile on my face. I felt my smile slowly begin to fade, replaced by a look of horror. The man’s eyes were a blood-red color, an obvious unnatural color for a human. His skin was pale, lightly tinted green with the veins in his body visible due to his light pigmented skin. His teeth were exposed as he grinned down at me, each tooth sharpened to a fine point. I felt fear wash over me. He stared down at me with murderous intent, his tongue shooting out to swipe over his top lip.

I was only snapped from my daze when Dixie growled at my side. I shook it off and stepped back before spinning on my heel and sprinted away. I could feel my heartbeat in my ears as I looked over my shoulder at the man. I watched in horror as he began taking long strides towards me. His speed was fast, almost inhuman.

‘Idiot,’ I thought to myself. This guy was obviously not human. He was some kind of monster, and if I didn’t get away from him, who knows what would happen. I could only fear the worst and quickened my pace. I sped around the corner, my shoes skidding against the concrete as I glanced behind me again. I wish I wouldn’t have.

“Got you!” The man cackled, and I let out a startled scream as he slid to the ground and grabbed my ankle. His grip was so tight that I felt my bone crack under his hand. I screamed in pain as he pulled me to the ground, making my hands shoot out in front of me to keep me from bashing my head against the concrete. I felt hot tears sliding down my cheeks as I tried struggling away from the man’s grasp. His strength was inviolable. He crushed my ankle under one hand! I didn’t stand a chance against this man. He was going to kill me!

“Stop!” I screamed, thrashing around against him as he forcibly flipped me over onto my back. I hadn’t realized, but I had let go of Dixie’s leash, and she was gone from my side. I cursed her under my breath, struggling to keep the man’s hands away from my throat.

“Come on now, girly!” He cackled. “Don’t be so hard to get. I’m gonna kill you anyway, so just give in! It’s useless to fight against me!”

“G-get off me!” I yelled, wincing as I felt his nails...no, his claws digging into my palm. Hot blood trickled down my wrist, dripping onto my t-shirt. The man paused, closing his eyes as he smelled the air.

“Your blood smells so delicious,” He said, opening as he looked down at me with blood-lust evident in his eyes. I felt mine widen as a crack sounded in the air and a scream passed over my lips as he slammed my wrists into the concrete.

“W-what are y-you?!” I choked out, my body submitting to his. I couldn’t move. He was too strong.

“I’m your worst nightmare,” He grinned, his eyes seeming to gleam in the light as he leaned closer to my face. I felt my entire body go rigid, my breath hitching in my throat when I felt his breath fan against my neck. “Now, why don’t you close those pretty little eyes and relax for me?”


The man snapped his head towards the figure rushing towards us. I didn’t even realize who it was before the man was knocked away from me and a body tumbled with him. I laid there in shock, too stunned to move.

“Y/n!” Another voice called. I looked over with shaky eyes as I blurred figure ran towards me. I tried to make out their face, but from the shock and pain, I couldn’t. “Shit!”

“Hamon Overdrive!” I heard. Was that Joseph?

“Y/n, are you alright?” Then that has to be...Caesar? “Can you hear me, cara?”

“Y-y-yeah,” I whispered, unable to hide the shakiness in my voice.

“Can you sit up?” He asked, his hands hovering above me. I hesitated before nodding. Caesar held my shoulders, aiding me as I sat up on the ground. I blinked hard a few times, blinking away the blurriness from my eyes. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?”

“M-my ankle..and my hand,” I mumbled. Caesar’s touch was gentle as he placed his hand on the back of mine, looking at the swelling and bruising forming on the skin of my dominant hand. He then shifted down and knelt in front of me.

“I’m going to look, okay?” He said, flicking his gaze up to me. I slowly nodded. He slipped my shoe off and clenched his jaw. My ankle was twice it’s normal size and was covered with a large nasty bruise.

“He’s dead,” Joseph said, dropping to his knees beside me, catching his breath as he did. “Shit, you got hurt!’ He said, looking over me.

“J-joseph, Caesar,” I said shakily, making both of them turn their attention to me. I looked at them with pure fear.

“What the hell was that?”

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