36 - They're Coming

Start from the beginning

"If we can't lift it, then you surely can't." 

"And why is that?" You smiled.

"Because you're a girl-" Even though you just met Bill Weasley, you already hated him. 

"Excuse me? Sexist much?" 

"No! I didn't mean it in that way-"



"Bend your legs at first, then straighten them the higher you lift." The did that and almost got up.

"Got any more ideas, tough guy?" 

"Got to be any more rude, tough guy?" You shot back at him. The twins laughed. 

"Are you going to help, then?" 

"Thought you didn't want my help because I'm the opposite gender." The twins smirked, and gave each other a fist-bump. 

"So no?"

"I'll do it." You gave him a sarcastic smile. Bill, Georgie, Freddie, and you lifted it up and this time it actually stayed. "Who knew." 

"Yeah, yeah." He went inside and it was just you and the twins.

"Y/N, that was-"

"Just badass. Maybe you shouldn't've gotten sorted into Hufflepuff."

"Jee. Thanks for reminding me that Hogwarts is corrupt."

"Right, you're welcome." You all burst out laughing.


A few hours later, they got married! Then, the reception. . .

"Y/N, you look really nice." Harry walked up to you.

"Thanks, Harry. Your suit is nice."

"T- Thanks."

"I'm guessing that Ginny's waiting for you to ask her to dance."

"Right." He was about to go to her, but he stayed for a moment.

"Happy birthday." 

"Thank you." You shared a moment with him, and then Ginny danced with Harry. You were t  alking to Mione, and you drank one glass of alcohol. Keep in mind, you do NOT like drinking. You took a quick glance at Harry who was talking to Luna's father. You saw a ball of blue light in the sky, coming closer. 

"M- Mione." The blue ball came into the center of the room, while people cleared so it could have room. 

"The ministry has fallen. The minister of magic is dead. They're coming. They're coming." It just kept repeating 'they're coming'

"W- Who's coming?" You were freaked out, and looked at Mione. Suddenly, death eaters stormed the tent. "Accio wand!" You got your wand quickly and transfigured your heels into running shoes. Going to Hermione, Ron, and Harry, you tried to stop time, but you weren't focused enough. They started to kill people, and the second you reached them, you apparated to an alley. "Fuck." You were angry. "Who do you think died?"

"I- I don't know." Mione went into her bag. "Let's change." 

"Right." She gave clothes to Harry and Ron, while you got clothes from your bag. You slipped on trousers underneath your dress, and put on a shirt. You put your dress into your bag and hid your wand. "Where to now?"

"Let's just see where we are first." You were freaked out and NEEDED Mione to talk some sense into you.

"Right." You started walking and recognized a theatre that your parents took you to when you were 8. "Central London. That's where we are. I recognize the theatre that my parents took me to when I was 8- Never mind."

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