Chapter 8: King

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2272 words, 11 minutes

Saitama was still for several moments. "Spanish?" he repeated.

"Yes!" exclaimed Genos, flipping the note so that he read it now. "This can also most likely tell us what country we're in."

Saitama still didn't see the buzz about it. He also had a feeling the manga established the country early on, but if it did, he forgot. He wasn't consistent with reading Black Plague. "If that note's in Spanish, then how come we didn't hear anybody speaking Spanish...?"

Genos paused. That was true. The whole time they were here, nobody was speaking anything other than English. "Um... I..." Then Genos remembered something Saitama said earlier. "You said you were reading the English translation, right?"

Saitama nodded.

"Then maybe since we were transported into the English version of the 7th manga volume of Black Plague, we're able to understand what people are saying because it's translated in the language the reader understands... but for the sake of preserving authenticity, signs and the like are written in Spanish," guessed Genos.

Saitama supposed he couldn't have worded it any better. "Well, since you know the language is in Spanish, do you know what the note says?" he asked Genos.

Genos shook his head sadly. "I'm afraid not, Sensei."

Saitama raised an eyebrow. "Don't you cyborgs come with some sort of translator or something?"

Genos sighed deeply. "Believe me, I wish. I've been begging Doctor Kuseno to install a translator in me, but he claims that 'language keeps evolving, so it's difficult to give you the accurate type of translator that makes almost 0 errors.'"

Silence. "Well, that sucks."

"Indeed, Sensei."

"So you can only recognize alphabetical letters or something?"

Genos looked at the note again. "Yes, I suppose so. I am able to recognize various different languages based on what the letters of their alphabets are, but I don't know what they're saying." Genos clenched the note. "Dammit," he mutters.

"So which countries speak Spanish...?" Saitama wondered aloud, staring up at the sky.

"Spain?" Genos said sarcastically as if it weren't obvious. Which it was.

They were at a loss for words.

"So are you guys done chatting?"

Neither expecting company, Saitama and Genos immediately looked up at the tree. The girl they've been looking for all this time was sitting on a high branch, looking irritated that they took so long in her opinion.

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