"You can not do that Malachai! You can't say all of these poetic things about us and just expect me to kiss you and make it all ok! What you've done this time cant be forgiven Malachai, all the things I've let you get away with! I cant put up with all of your shit!"

"What? Over something that you are making up in that hormonal mind of yours? Whatever your thinking isnt true, why would I ever put you through- why would I ever put us through the pain of losing one of our children?"

"Because you're crazy, Kai! You're crazy and you know you it. You want to stay the leader and not have any competition so you wanted one to die- you want to somehow kill Jo's babies! You are just not stable, Kai!"

"I thought you loved me, I thought you loved me just as much as I love you." He said, I saw his eyes tear up and he tightened his grip on my wrist, when he spoke his voice was defeated, broken.

"Just because you love someone, or are in love someone doesn't mean you are meant to be with them." He loosened his grip and let my arm go, he sighed.

"So your really just going to leave me. Just like that?" I could hear he was on the verge of sobbing.

"Just like that." I said then put I cloaking spell over myself and walked away, when I looked over my shoulder after a few steps he had his head in his hands- then he disappeared too.

I removed my hands from his face and my eyes were watery. I saw the memory like someone was watching, just as Damon saw it.

"Carter..." He mumbles pulling me into his arms. I started to cry again then I pushed myself out of his arms.

"I just- I need to get over. He obviously isn't for me and I just want to... move on. I just dont know what to do but I know I need to get over it." I said wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"What are you going to do with the-"

"The babies? No clue."

"Do you need my help in any way?"

Do you need my help in any way

Those words circled in my mind over and over again. Malachai has never said those words to me, and Damon was sitting here like a champ helping me get through all of this. I loved both of them, Malachai and Damon. Almost in the same way but at the same time in two completely different ways. Damon was here for me, day in and day out. Whenever Malachai couldn't be here for me or didnt want to be here for me.

"Support me? I dont know Damon. I'm broken without him, but I did this to him, to me and him."

"You could go over there and talk to him, if that would even work."

"But what would I say? I'm sorry I broke your heart and mine in the process, let's just forget everything that we put each other through and go on as if it never happened? Because I dont want to do that Damon, but I dont want to be without him."

"I'm being a really sucky friend right now, but let's just go do something. Let's get your mind off of all of this." He said as he grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb over my tattoo. I gasped slightly and he looked down, he brought my hand up and held it in front of us.

"Cartie, what is this?" He asked.

"A bad decision. Actually, my second bad decision. This was my first one." I  said as I turned around and took my hoodie off half way, showing him my back tattoo. I put my sweater back over my body and faced him.

"Why is that a bad thing?" He asked cocking his head slightly to my left.

"Because he got a tattoo down the spine aswell, and one right where I did on his hand. Because I asked him to. I told myself I wanted these so I'd have something on my body that could remind me of him 24/7. And now theres no one I want to think about less."

"You are to be under my supervision at all times until your back with him. Now, let's go find the girls. I need to explain to Elena in very little detail as to why I woke up with my ex in my arms. And you need there comfort, I'm probably the last one you should talk to this about."

"Fine. Do you have any spare clothing? Or at least a shirt."


"It works. Gimmie gimmie." I said and he chuckled, which made me smile. His laugh was always contagious to me.

I changed into one of his V-neck shirts and put my leather jacket over it. I also stole a pair of socks from him to change into because my socks were soaked. I put my hair up in a bun to hide the fluffiness of it then we walked out and headed across campus.

When we walked in Caroline, Bonnie and Elena looked at us. I started to cry when I saw Bonnie, I ran up and hugged her tightly. I started to sob slightly, making little noise but my running tears landed on her shirt.

"Carter, what's wrong?"

"Just- hold her. Someone other then me needs to hold her, I'm not the person that should be helping her." Damon said kissing Elena on the cheek.

"Speaking of which, why were you holding her this morning when we left."

"She can get into the details when she feels like it. Big thing is, Papa Parker and her got into a huge fight, she said some things and doesnt know what to do or where to go. She came to me and she fell asleep, so did I. That's it." He said defending himself to Elena. I pulled away from Bonnie and she smiled.

"What can we do? Want me to get you some ice cream?" She asked with a smile, it instantly spread to my face and I smile back as the final tears ran down my face.

"Yes please, cookie do-"

"I know. It's always been your favourite, cookie dough. I'll get us some plain cookie dough too, just for fun." She smiled and I flopped on my bed.

"Your the best Bonnie. Thank you." She nodded and walked out the door with Damon. Caroline and Elena sat on their beds across from mine and Bonnie's.

"Carter... can we know what happened?" Caroline asked setting a pillow on her lap.

"I'll show the three of you when Bonnie get back." I said leaning against the back board of my bed, picking up the book I wanted to finish reading before Caroline made me go full on crazy pregnant lady on those maternity book.

Never Apart (Always With Him sequel) Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now