34 ᯾ Severance

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"So here you were."

"Hey, Y/n-chan."

Y/n smiled. "Nene-chan's giving Sumire a tour as of the moment. They haven't realized the fact that you aren't with them," she said as she walked closer towards Hanako. "What are you doing here anyway? We should be finding number six to save Aoi-chan." Y/n blinked.

"Wait, is something wrong?"

Hanako hummed. "I'm just thinking it's about time."

"What do you mean about time—"


"The bell..." Y/n mumbled. The timing was very accurate, too accurate. Y/n looked at Hanako with a brow raised. What was going on? "Hanako-kun, what's happening—"

And that's when she noticed it. Small glass shards started coming from Hanako. It took her a second to realize that the glass shards were Hanako.

He was dissolving.

"It's the severance."

"What?" Y/n's eyes widened. "Hanako-kun? What's happening?"

The boy didn't answer, instead, he stood up from his seat and walked towards the girl slowly.

"Why is your body dissolving?" Y/n tries to think of why this was happening. The book she had always read must have stated this moment. But why couldn't she remember?

"Now that a girl has been offered up as a sacrifice," Hanako spoke up, stepping closer and closer to the girl who looked at him in shock. "The human and supernatural worlds will be completely separate from now on."

Sacrifice. Y/n gulped. He can't be talking about—

Hanako pulled the girl closer to him. Y/n blinked as she felt herself wrapped around the boy's arms. She didn't know how to feel. Maybe, this was a way of comfort from him. But it didn't make Y/n any less scared of what was going on.


"We supernaturals will disappear from this place." Y/n's eyes widened. "But.. all of this no longer has anything to do with you, Y/n-chan. Because you'll soon forget— all the memories connected to supernaturals."


"And everything about me and Aoi-chan too, and live happily on."

"S-Stop!" Hanako felt the electricity run up his body as Y/n disappeared infront of him. He sighed before turning around, just to see the girl holding the bracelet that Sumire had given her.

"Such unnecessary trouble." Hanako looked at the girl. "Y/n-chan, you can't keep hurting yourself like that. Even now, you're still half-apparition."

"I know." Y/n glared at him. "But what did you mean by all the supernaturals disappearing? Where's Aoi-chan?"

The apparition stayed silent as he looked at her. Y/n bit her lower lip as she clenched her fists in frustration.

"You've been so strange, Hanako-kun. Keeping things to yourself and never saying a word to me and Nene-chan." She frowned. "What are you trying to do this time? What happened to Aoi-chan? What's going on?"

Hanako looked away and heaved a sigh.

"It's a wish that someone made." Y/n flinched. Did someone wish without me knowing? "What do you mean by that?"

Hanako frowned.

"I made the wish, Y/n-chan."

"Eh?" Y/n blinked. "B-But—" this meant that you went to him. "W-What was your wish, Hanako-kun?"

The boy smiled. "For you to continue living in the real world."

Y/n's eyes widened as she looked down on the floor. She didn't know what to feel. Was she suppose to be happy? Sad? Annoyed? Angry?

Her emotions were mixed up into one. But all in her mind was the fact that the boy infront was disappearing, and she didn't know how to stop it.

"Then why was Aoi-chan involved in this..." Y/n mumbled. "She was the sacrifice, wasn't she?" Hanako's disappearing. Aoi's gone. Just why was this happening now. "She can't die, Hanako-kun. She can't die for me to continue living in the real world. Not when she has a whole life right infront of her."

Hanako walked towards her. "I thought as much." He then placed both his hands on Y/n's cheeks and went closer to the girl. "But Y/n-chan, I like you more than Aoi-chan you see." The girl looked at him. "I'm sorry, but it's okay. I'm going to disappear soon too. So even if it's not right now..."

He pulled away.

"You'll still forget someday."

Y/n felt the tears threatening to fall from the corner of her eyes as she raised her hand up, ready to hit the boy in anger. He used Aoi-chan as a sacrifice. Y/n is mad. She's mad at Hanako. She wants to hate him, she wants to despise him but...

"Don't..." Y/n's hand gripped on the boy's uniform. "Don't go..." She lowered her head as the tears started streaming down her face.

Hanako looked down at the girl. Both eyes wide. Hanako regretted his decision. He wanted to stay. Stay with Y/n and be happy with her. He didn't want to leave. Not now, not ever.

But fate wasn't always so kind now, is it?

Hanako looked away. The fun memories he, Y/n, Nene, and Kou had— inside that small restroom every afternoon. Memories he could never let go.

"... If only things could've stayed that way forever."

It couldn't.

Y/n watched as the boy enclosed her into his arms once again. This time, he didn't seem like he was hiding anything. This time, Y/n couldn't help but feel much more scared.

"I wanted to try living in a world with you too, Y/n-chan."

Y/n gripped on to the boy tighter. Hanako was still there with her. There was no way he was disappearing. He can't disappear. Not now.

Suddenly, Y/n stumbled forward, her hands holding onto nothing at all. Infront of her were small shards. And other than those, there was nothing at all.

She fell onto her knees. What happened? Where did Hanako go?

Did he leave just like that?

She looked at the glass shards infront of her.

If she was never sickly in the first place, if she never changed the future, Hanako would still be here. He would still be here laughing with them.

Y/n covered her face with both hands.

"... Please come back..."

꧁☾︎ 𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎 ☽︎꧂
now i have to stop writing and
wait for the manga to update :D

𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥-𝗖𝗥𝗢𝗦𝗦𝗘𝗗.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant