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Namjoon Pov

We are on the way to the park. I hold kitty in my arm and Jin carried a basket full of food on his right hand. Kitty seem really calm in my arm.

"Hey , wanna race to the park" Jin said

" No, It might scare kitty while we run and you are carrying our lunch
what if you slip and all the food spill all over the place"

"Alright, mr.Namjoon "

After 15 minutes of walking we finally arrived at the park.There not much people right now .

"Let sit over there under the tree we could get some shade " Jin said while pointed out his finger at the tree

"Yeah , sure let's go kitty"

"Meow!" cute❤


We enjoyed our lunch Jin had made all by himself . He made some tuna sandwich , fried chicken shrimp salad and 2 cup of pudding for dessert . His hand cooking is like mother love cooking. Is it weird to think like that? 

I cut half the tuna sandwich and gave it to kitty , she seem to enjoy it.

"do you like it , y/n ?" Jin asked kitty

"Meow" kitty answer

" I'm happy to know that you enjoy my food " Jin said

I ate the last bite of my salad and then pet kitty head.

"Hey , you wanna go anywhere after this " Jin asked me

"Like where? "

"We can go to Starbucks get some drinks or maybe buy Y/n stuff "

"Actually , I want to buy it tomorrow but since we already out, why not buy it today "

"Great "

"But I left my wallet at home "

"We have to go back anyway we have to ride car to go there "

"Okay, let's go kitty we need to buy your stuff "

" Mew "

Skip Time

We went back to get my wallet and ride Jin car.When we enter the car with kitty , kitty started to panic a little.

"Shh~ kitty it's ok nothing to be afraid of you are in a car right now " I pet her trying to calm her down, it work a bit

"Can I start the car now? " Jin asked


Jin started the car and drove us to the city where the pet shop are. I pet kitty to make sure she feel comfortable. After couple minutes kitty started wonder around the car and look outside the window.

" See it's not that bad " Jin said

Finally we arrived at the pet shop.

"let's go kitty we need to buy your stuff you need"

"Meow meow"

In The Pet Shop

"Which food do you want, kitty "

Kitty poke the Royal Canin packet with her paw

" Good choice this one good for your fur "

I pick it up and put it in the basket

"What else do she need? " Jin asked me

" We already get her litter box , litter, toy , cat food , food bowl and cat shampoo "

Kitten Hybrid Namjoon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now