2 // What am I supposed to do

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Ailish shifted on her velvet cover and poked at the sleeping boy's face. How could she have been so stupid to let Tim talk her into this? This was dangerous, Draco could turn her in to the Deatheaters himself, considering his father was one. However this was not a common rumour so she best keep her words to herself. She considered dressing herself and leaving him in her room so she didn't have to deal with him. However she didn't want Draco snooping about her room.

She had a but a few photos and her mother's jewellery that was found in their family vault at Gringotts along with a comfortable sum of money. She offered the money to the Weasleys as they were caring for her but they insisted she keep it for herself. So she made sure they never had to spend a sickle on her. Buying her school supplies and anything extra she may need. Ailish was quite the keen artist too. She always found herself sketching or painting landscapes, being captivated by the start contrast in shapes and textures and tones. 

She took a look back at Draco, he looked so peaceful, so content. That privileged lad who probably got to sleep in every day of his life. She shifted slightly and the old wooden frame of the bed creaked. She winced, seeing him begin to stir. She stilled immediately—her blood rushing with cold the moment she realized she could've woken him. It was a fruitless attempt anyway as a loud knock at the door surprised them both.

Draco shot up immediately, steely blue eyes wide at the loud noise. Ailish groaned and let her head drop back into the pillows. No doubt in her mind that it was Tim looking to cause chaos at this time of the morning. The knocks stopped as muffled voices began to bicker from behind the door. All she could make out was Tim's sassy tone, no doubt ripping the other person a new one.

The blonde boy had stilled — this raised curiosity within Ailish as she lifted her head once more to make strong eye contact with him. Recognition washed over his features along with something else, maybe relief? But that didnt sound right. Why on earth would that be what he was feeling right now? Ailish pondered to herself for a moment.

She opened her mouth to talk but it was quickly covered with his frantic hands in order to keep her silent. She resisted, trying to struggle out of his grasp. He rolled over and ended up straddling her; his hands firmly wrapped around her face. She stilled in shock, raising her hands from his in an attempt to deescalate the situation. He kept holding on, his eyes burning right through hers. It gave her a moment to take in his features. Sharp angular jawline, pale skin that would've been popular in the Victorian Era, strong dark eyebrows that seemed perfectly sculted along with the rest of his features. The sharpness in his features reflected his mask of a sharp tongue and critical comments that everyone faced from him.

Ailish knew from observing him it was only a mask due to the slight show of gentle freckles across his cheeks. As rare as they may be on his face, it was as if she was looking at a starry night but the constellations were dimmed from being too far to see with the naked eye. He had also let his collected emotions slip in another brief moment where she gripped at his wrist, pulling with violent intent once the voices outside the door had stopped.

"What the hell Malfoy?" She pushed his hands from her and tried her best to slide out from underneath him. He moved quickly, a rehearsed tone of disgust replacing the unnerved one he had been showing moments ago. He crawled back from her on the bed in a hasty scurry to put some space between them.

Harsh steel eyes settled on her and a sneer made an appearance. "Shut up Weasley, as if I would ever made a move on you. Bet you wouldve loved that you little who—"

His words came to an abrupt stop as Ailish had grabbed her wand from her bedside table. It was pointed in his direction with an unwavering hand. "You were saying?" She grinned, a sense of cockiness overtook her voice as if she'd drank more of the firewhiskey from last night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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