1 // Just Another Year

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(Hey guys so a disclaimer on this one, the original books were written by J. K. Rowling and I am merely including her characters and my ocs in a fanfiction. I do not intend to profit from the publishing of this book and do not claim her work as my own. Thank you so much for reading!)

Ailish ran down the corridor, chasing after a glimpse of curly brown hair and blue eyes. She dodged a group of Ravenclaws who were gossiping loudly about the newest seeker on their team and how Ravenclaw might have a chance to win against Slytherin in their next game. Ailish rolled her eyes, quidditch was the last thing on her mind after the events of this mornings defence against the dark arts.

"Tim!" she called out, her mild Scottish accent shining through the facade she used to cover her tone. She called his name again, turning the corridor just to smack right into his chest.

Tim grabbed onto her shoulders to stabilise her. A grin making its way across his handsome features. "In a rush aren't we?" Tim teased and let her go. Ailish rolled her eyes and began to walk in time with him down the hallway.

"You'll never believe what happened in Professor Moody's class this morning!" Ailish exclaimed after catching her breath.

It was Tim's turn to roll his eyes. As he passed by a window the afternoon sunlight caught his face, illuminating his freckles on his sun soaked skin."Let me guess? One of your brothers stole his eye and placed it in the prefects bathroom?" he chuckled.

A confused look spread across Ailish's soft features, "No? Wait, did Fred or George actually do that? My story isn't actually that funny if they did then." She looked up at the carved ceiling briefly before focusing on the large doors stood before them.

Tim pushed them open easily with the weight of his shoulder pressing against them. He was rather tall and slim built, Ailish knew a few of her fellow Slytherins would whisper and look when he shifted his weight, causing his shoulders to slightly flex in the process. They made it a few steps into the great hall before he replied, "well, they did. I think Percy was somehow involved too, how else would they have got access to the bathroom?" He pondered for a moment before starting, "anyway, what's your news?" He ruffled her curly cinnamon hair as they sat at the Slytherin table for their lunch.

Ailish grimaced and made an effort to smooth down her already wild hair, adjusting her green and silver tie too. "Seamus accidentally caught his robe alight." She pondered for a moment as the food appeared before them on the table. "It's actually not that funny now."

Tim scoffed, placing some turkey sandwiches on her plate before taking some for himself. Her goblet filled with pumpkin juice and she took a sip. She delved into her food and was about to take the last sandwich just as it was swiped from her plate.

Ron Weasley sat down at the table, scoffing back her last sandwich. This earned a punch in the shoulder from Ailish, who was visibly upset at the thievery.

"Mmmm," he groaned through the last bite. "I swear the sandwiches on your table are way better." She rolled her eyes at her 'brother' and looked to Tim for support.

He just nodded his head at the other redhead sat in front of them. "Sup Ron," he said smoothly, his plate clearing of the last crumbs. "You able to sneak out tonight for the party in our common room?"

Ron shook his head. "No, Mum would kill me, especially after last time, I couldn't get the ringing of the howler out of my head for days." His shoulders slumped and Ailish knew how he felt. She had been included in that howler too, she was upset for a long time after that too, she never wanted to disappoint her 'family'.

After the death of her parents she had been moved to live with the Weasleys, being under the age of eleven she inconspicuously slotted into their lifestyle, her natural bright red hair and green eyes had done her well. Too well, she had hid in their family's presence, become a new person and nobody except the Weasleys and Dumbledore knew. The only tell was the shock that came from her being sorted into Slytherin in her first year. Nobody said a thing. Her real parents were both in Slytherin, something they weren't proud of.

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