𝟗. 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝

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"YOU'RE TELLING ME, you felt absolutely nothing when you were doing today's scene with Louis?" Millie asks as we walk down Melrose, shopping for thrifted pieces.

Mom told me to never shop for anything used. "It might carry the next widespread disease," she always said. She also told me to never roll cookie dough without gloves, but I already defied that one. Might as well defy another.

I look at her, confused. Why is she pushing this so much? All she's talked about since the beach is Louis and I. Hell, she was the one who gave the damn dare of me and Louis kissing. "I don't like him. I hate him. How many more times do I have to say that?"

She rolls her eyes, groaning. "I know you hate him, but isn't there some part in you that might actually feel something for him— anything?"

"The day I feel something for Louis is the day I go criminally insane. So no, I will never feel anything for Louis— ever."

"Okay, but does ever mean forever or for the duration of this shoot?"

I sigh, picking up a shirt from the pile of neatly folded clothes. "Ever means forever. He's the worst person on this planet and I'd rather stick my hand in a blender than feel anything for him."

At least not ever again.

"But he totally likes you! Have you ever seen the way he looks at you? He looks at you the way I look at milk on Christmas morning— thirsty," she smirks.

I laugh, smacking her with the shirt I'm holding. "There is no way you just said that."

"What can I say? I'm a lover of love."

Love? We are far from it.



it was the next day and i was taking a nap in my trailer.

"hey! wake up!" i felt something shaking my body. i opened my eyes to see cleo standing over me.

"what do you want? i'm trying to sleep!" i closed my eyes and turned mg body the other way on the couch.

"we have a scene in 10 minutes and i want to rehearse lines, so wake up or i will drag you off of this couch" her eyebrows furrowed.

i chuckled, "i'd like to see you try" i said with his eyes still closed.bshe pulled me and with one swift motion i fell off the couch.

"ow! i didn't think you would actually do it!" i said rubbing the back of my head.

"come on. just get up, so we can rehearse lines" she said walking out of the trailer.

i picked up my script from the table in front of the mirror and walked to cleo's trailer. cleo was sat down on the couch reading her script. i sat down beside her, leaving only inches between us.

"okay, you wanna start now or?" i asked.

"yes, okay. let's do this" she said hyping herself up more so than hyping louis up.

"notes on love" scene

"i didn't bring my textbook" daisy said.

"oh, um it's fine. you can just share mine, if you want"

"oh okay" she said leaning closer to max. he opened the textbook and rested it on both of their legs.

"so, if two x equals four squared then that would mean 6 equals 8?" she asked.
(lmaooo idk if that made any sense i just made that up)

"exactly" he dropped his pencil on the ground and both daisy and max tried to pick it up. their hands touched and moved into a holding position, they stared at each other's brown eyes.

then it didn't feel like acting anymore.

cleo jumped up from the couch and let go my hand. "um that was great. we should head to set now" she said in a flushed, hurried way.

"uh yea. of course" i said trailing behind her.

then, they walked to set and did their scene.


we were back at the apartment complex. josh and i we're sitting on the couch watching Love, Simon.

"hey, josh?" i said.

"what's up?"

"so i need some help with something"

"what can i do for ya partridge?"

"so, i like this girl. or i think i like this girl? i'm not entirely sure, but she hates me and i think she thinks that i hate her. so, she probably doesn't like me back. or i don't know. this was stupid. forget i said anything" i slumped down into the couch, facing towards the TV.

"that's not stupid man, it's feelings. they're confusing, but if you really like her, then you should maybe stop acting like you hate her"

"oh gotcha, thanks josh"

"shhh! blue and simon are about to kiss on the ferris wheel" they grabbed popcorn from the bowl and watched the scene.

this was so bad, but 😚✌️ hope u guys had a good day!
-xx, she

𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐨-𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 ☾ 𝐥. 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞Where stories live. Discover now