Where Am I

182 8 11

I open my eyes and see that I'm alive.
Was it.. a dream?

Wait, why was I napping on a desk?
I sit upright to see where I am.

An.. office?
I stand up, feeling weak after experiencing actual hell a few minutes ago.
That fire..

I go to the door and try to open it with my shaky hands.
The door just shakes as my pathetic attempts to open it fail.

"Locked." I say to myself while starting to get panicked.

Suddenly, the TV in the room gets turned on.

"President Obama here. I have an important announcement for all of America." he speaks into a mic on a podium.

I see Michelle at the back, standing while smiling and looking at everyone.

"We have a second lady now! I would like to give a warm welcome to Yui Tamura!" he says before clapping.

The whole crowd starts to cheer, and the sound of hands getting clapped together start ringing in my ear.
It starts getting louder.. and louder..

I fall down and crouch while covering my ears, trying to muffle out the noise.

"You'll never get rid of the noise." a voice says behind me.

I move my head to look behind me, and see a sillouette for a second before it dissapears in the blink of an eye.

...I shouldn't of accepted his offer to be the second lady..

"You're nothing." a piercing voice screams into my ear.

I notice that the room keeps getting smaller.. and smaller.. and smaller..
The noise of the crowd keeps getting louder.. and more painful for me to bare.

I start hearing the hysterical laughs again, this time without the screams.

I'm stuck here.
I remove my hands from my ears and cover my eyes instead, as I start uncontrollably bawling.

I start hearing the screams again.
This is my place now..
This is my place now..
This is my place now..


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