My Letter To You

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I frantically try to find a piece of paper in my room, rummaging through my desk like a raccoon in a garbage bin.

Paper.. paper.. where are you?
I manage to find a slightly crumpled, but still clean piece of paper.

I grab a pan and start writing a letter, pouring all my feelings out.


Dear Barack Obama,

You may not know me, I am only a common highschool student.
My name is Yui Tamura. I study at MoriMori Academy.

I am writing this letter to you to let you know that I feel a connection to you.
I might sound insane for saying this, but have you ever befriended me before?

I can't ignore my feelings anymore, I just want to unravel this madness going on in my life.

If I'm only bothering you by sending this to you.. please.. just ignore this letter.

but deep down in my heart, I do hope that you will answer my question that's been burning in my mind for a while.

.. Extinguish.. the fire in my mind.

Thank you.


I put the pen in the pocket of my pants as I stare at the words that I have written.

I run out the door to go to the post office to send this message to the U.S president.

All I can think about is him, Barack Obama.

When I was with the club members discussing about the translator device, I had a hunch that my memories were erased.

The memory I revived yesterday.. that must be one of them.
Obama, why would you make me forget about you?


I arrive at the post office, looking dishiveled.
"Could I have an envelope?" I ask while pointing to a stack of envelopes on a shelf.

An employee reaches for one and hands it to me while looking at my appearance.

I look terrible because I was standing in hot steam a few minutes ago, and the heat made me sweat a lot.
I didn't bother to change after going back to my dorm.. I was in too much heartbreak and anguish.

I carefully put the letter in the white-coloured envelope, and I start writing the receiver's information with the pen I kept in my pocket.

Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

I huff out a breath of relief as I give the employee the envelope.

They look at the address that has been written, and they look back at me with confusion.

"Alright, thank you!" I say before rushing out the post office

I look up at the clear, blue sky as I smile brightly like the sun.

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