Malfunction (Obama POV)

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I finish signing some documents, almost falling asleep out of boredom.

I hear the sound of knocking on my door, and one of my assistants walks in.

He puts down a small envelope infront of me before briefly walking away.

I hold it in my hands and read the senders information.


I drop the envelope onto the floor, baffled from what I just read.

I quickly pick it up to open it, wanting to see what Tamura has to say to me.

Does he remember me..? I did use the memory eraser on him, though..

I open the envelope hesitantly, slowly taking out the paper inside and seeing the words appear.

I start reading it and wipe away some tears at the corner of my eyes.

Ugh.. he still remembers me. The memory eraser probably malfunctioned.

"オバマ! 大丈夫ですか?" a sweet, soft voice says to me while holding my shoulder gently.

"Uh, what?" I say, caught off guard by the sudden japanese.

"I just asked if you were okay.." my wife answers while looking a little bit concerned.

I try to collect my thoughts while putting Tamura's letter away.

"Sorry, I thought you were speaking Japanese." I say while clearing my throat.

I have to meet him.. but I need an excuse to go back to Japan.

"Michelle, why don't we go to Japan for a short holiday?" I say while smiling,
"I know this nice spot that we can go to." I say before standing up.

Michelle starts smiling brightly, happy from the thought of us spending time together at Japan.

"Oh, but I'll bring someone there.." I say to her.

She looks dissapointed.
"Hmm.. who?" she asks while pouting.

"It's someone who I used to know." I smirk

"Well, alright then. I'm gonna go pack my things" Michelle says before walks out of the office door.

I sit back down to reply back to Tamura, letting him know that we'll be going on a vacation together.

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