eleven • lost in the darkness

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•••"Nothing is dangerous than someone who has lost everything

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"Nothing is dangerous than someone who has lost everything."

Grosvenor Square, 1813

It has been two days since Anthony has been able to see Nola, and anytime she was anywhere within the Bridgerton estate, the Viscountess successfully made sure no contact was made between the two. Nola sullenly told her cousin the wedding was still to take place, now feeling obligated to follow through with it, no matter how bad her heart hurt from the Viscounts betrayal.

Within those two days apart, Nola was fortunate enough to be able to spend more time with Daphne- the girl she believed to have claimed her cousins heart, despite the "unbreakable vow" made from Simon to the late Duke, Nola always knew Simon would cave into the powers of love, and she was happy he had found it in Lady Bridgerton. Nola had to admit though... the Prince of Prussia's sudden interest in Daphne did frighten her.

Now, do not be fooled. The lack of communication between Anthony and Nola does not mean the Viscount did not beg his sister to catch him up on anything that happened with her throughout her day with her. Which Daphne could never deny him of that request.


Nola stood in front of her full length mirror, taking in her figure as Marie began to tighten her corset. She were to attend a party tonight, and she was not quite sure if she was mentally prepared to be with Anthony once again. She knew he merely had to enter, escorted by him, then she may go off as she pleased. Although, she was not sure if her fiancé would allow her to. "Tighter?" She asked Marie, not feeling as if her corset held her well enough.

"Tighter? Any tighter you might crack a rib?" Sloan joked, standing in the doorway of Nola's bedroom. "Could you possibly leave us for a moment, Marie? I could finish here." Sloan carried a small rose, reminding Nola of the night Anthony had brought her to the gardens, and plucked her a rose- a rose that still laid, wilting on her bedside table. "Whistledown has confirmed your engagement in her article. Everyone will be buzzing from the news tonight, sister." Nola simply nodded, walking over to her dresser, where her dress was gently hanging. "Sister, you must know what mother did was for your benefit. She believed you had the right to know..."

"I know she did not do it in vain, but that does not make it any less painful." Nola snapped, her eyes still a bright red, which did not go unnoticed by the eldest Addington. "From start to finish, Sloan. This engagement has been an awful experience. Do you not understand how badly I would like to return to France? I wish nothing more than to abandon this place, and never step foot nearly Anthony Bridgerton again! Yet, I am met with no choice."

"Truly, you do not mean that, sister. You could not have learned to hate the Viscount that quickly!"

"Of course not... but, perhaps if I got away, the pain would hurt less... I suppose?" She stated, beginning to pull her dress over her head. The sapphire had opted for a red dress, instead of her usual blue, and Sloan watched in bewilderment. "Could you help me lace it up?"

Sloan walked up to aid her sister, slowly beginning to tighten the strings, and button up the back.

Simon knocked on the ladies door, "Nola?"

"Hello, cousin." She sighed. Flattening out the dress. "What do I owe the pleasure?"

"I only came to see for myself."

"See for yourself? I beg your pardon?"

"From the events of yesterday, Cousin. I needed to see that you were... alright, and well enough to attend tonight?" Nola nodded slowly.

With her dress on correctly, and Marie returning to fix her hair, Nola was prepared to head to the parlor, where he fiancé was waiting to lead her to the party.

Upon her arrival, Anthony quickly turned away from the window, stalking to her, taking in her full figure. He was left... speechless. She could not dare make eye contact. "You look..." he couldn't even finish before she walked out the door with Daphne.

"Bridgerton, you must give her time." Simon stated, patting his friends shoulder. "She is pained."

"I know she is, Simon. Do you think I can not recognize that? Knowing I hurt her kills me. I'm disgusted that she had to find out like that."

"Well, is it true?" Simon questioned, looking straight into his oldest friends eyes. "Did you go to the opera singers house the night you proposed?"

"Simon, I would never lie to you, and I would not dishonor your cousin in such a way, like you believe I have. Yes, I went to Sienna's house, but not for reasons of intimacy... never. I went to tell her whatever we had was done." Simon let out a sigh of relief, nodding to Anthony.

"If that is the truth, I thank you for your honesty. I would like to inform you that Nola told me herself that the wedding will proceed, after hearing how she spoke with Sloan today, I'm shocked, really. Truly shocked." He let out a low chuckle, beginning his walk to the door. Anthony trailing. Yet, before they stepped out of the threshold, "how do you intend to fix this?"

"To be honest, Hastings? I don't know."



This is my first authors note, and I would just like to say thank you to everyone who has read and voted for his sapphire!! It truly makes me so, so happy!

I would love to hear ideas of anything you would like to happen within this story, and I just wanted to state that even after the "events" that have happened in the Netflix original "Bridgerton" have concluded (for the season), I will continue to write about Anthony's married life with Nola!

Thank you!

Lauren 🤍

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