“C’mon, Nialler.” He called out. “We haven’t got all day!”

Niall shook his head at his best friend and jogged to catch up with him. He reached Harry just as he was pressing the button to go down.

“Harry!” A group of girls were approaching them that Niall recognized as a few of Harry’s friends from one of his classes, probably yoga.

“Hi El!” Harry answered with a wave as the four of the came to a halt in front of them. “Hey girls.”

The girl, Eleanor, reached forward to put a hand on his upper arm as she smiled, the rest of the girls all looking equally as pleased.

“How are y-”

“I’m really sorry,” Harry interrupted her as Niall decided to stand and press the lift button over and over, hoping it would make the thing come faster. “But I’m actually super busy at the moment, I’m trying to find Louis. It’s an emergency” He explained.

“Yeah,” Niall whispered under his breath with a chuckle. “A love emergency.”

But apparently Harry heard him and elbowed him in the side to shut him up while the girls all giggled.

“Oh!” One of the other girls, Jess, chirped. “We had Psych with him earlier!”

“Really?” Harry’s face lit up. “How long ago did it finish?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” She thought, looking to her friends. “Maybe 1? He stayed back to talk to Mr Fiero then left with Zayn.”

“Ni!” Harry spun around. “What time is it?”

“Uh,” Niall checked his watch. “3.”

“Um, we should go to the café.” Harry suggested. “Maybe he’s there.”

The lift made a tinging noise, signaling it’s arrival just before the doors opened.

“Gotta go!” Niall said to the girls, grabbing Harry’s arm to pull him inside. “We’ll see you later!”

Harry waved and tried to say goodbye as well, but the doors closed on him.

He had been smiling the whole time, unable to shake his feeling of true happiness. He was just so excited to see Louis and tell him the truth, no more hiding their feelings.

“Where do you think he’d be?” Niall asked and Harry shook his head.

“I don’t know,” He answered. “He could be anywhere on campus, maybe he and Z went to kick the football?”

Harry smiled, still giddy with delight after finding out about Louis’ feelings just a few minutes before.

“Yeah maybe,” Niall nodded thoughtfully. “We could walk past the park before going to check the café?”

“Good plan.” Harry nodded, with a smile. “Ah, I just can’t wait to find him!”

“I know I know.” Niall laughed, the two sharing a hi-five before the doors opened and they made their way across campus.

Once they got to the park, they kept their eyes peeled for their two friends.

There were quite a few people there as it was a relatively nice day out. Students were everywhere, lying around with their friends and kicking footballs around or throwing rugbies.

“I don’t see him.” Harry sighed, looking to Niall who hummed in agreeance.

“Yeah, I’m not sure they’re here.” He commented, looking around as they walked around the outside of the grass on the path.

“Maybe they’re getting food?” Harry suggested. “They could be at the café, or maybe that diner Lou likes!” he chirped. “He loves that place, he says the burgers are great-”

“Harry, shut up.” Niall laughed, cutting him off. “I get that you love him, but you need to shut up about him for more than 2 seconds at a time.” He laughed, punching his shoulder.

“Whatever,” Harry shrugged. “I’m not ashamed. I love him.”

Then, he stopped in the middle of the path and gave Niall a devilish smile.

“Harry,” Niall rolled his eyes playfully. “Come on, lets go.”

Harry shook his head as he smiled, taking a few steps backwards, grinning like an idiot.

“I LOVE HIM!” He shouted, arms stretched out wide as he spun around in a circle laughing. “I LOVE LOUIS!”

“Harry!” Niall laughed, grabbing his arm and pulling him forwards. “Come on, you loser.”

“I’m a loser in love.” He hummed happily, practically skipping across the road to the café.

When they got to the café, Harry was still happily in a daze, greeting the waitresses with a charming smile.

However, Louis wasn’t there, but that still didn’t break Harry, he was determined.

“Damn,” Niall said as they stepped back outside. “Where now?”

Harry shrugged. “Maybe, uh, hm…” He tapped his chin as he thought.

“They could be a Z’s place?” Niall suggested.

“Good idea, Nialler!” Harry exclaimed, giving him a huge hug before pulling him in the right direction.

“You’re crazy.” Niall answered, laughing to himself as Harry dragged him down the street.

“I bet that’s where they are, playing FIFO or whatever.” Harry continued.

“FIFO?” Niall asked, trying to hold back his laughter, but failing.

“Yeah, that football game.” Harry continued, unaware.

“It’s called FIFA, Harry.” Niall laughed, clutching his stomach.

“Whatever,” Harry pouted. “It’s one of Lou’s favourites. I bet that’ what they’re doing.”

“Okay,” Niall answered, still laughing but managing to get it under control.

“Come on,” Harry exclaimed, pulling his friend faster. “Let’s go! I need to find him!”

“You will, don’t worry.” Niall reassured him.

“I know, I know,” Harry answered, his smile faltering for the first time that afternoon. “But I’ve been waiting for this since the moment we broke up, I need this, I need him.”

“Harry,” Niall put a hand on his shoulder. “It’s going to be okay. We’re going to find him and you’re going to tell him how you feel.”

Harry nodded, taking a deep breath. “Yeah, you’re right.” He replied as he tried to reassure himself. “Let’s go.”


I don't care what people say when we're together, I know you wanna leave so come on, baby, be with me so Happily.




sorry this took so long!

and I decided to split it up a little, so there will be two more chapters, i think :)


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