Ayumi and I talked for a while, we watched up on events that are happening and important things. She told me about this case that she was dragged into by Genta-Kun and Mitsuhiko, sadly Haibara had to tag along. I laughed hearing the story until I stopped when I noticed something was off. "Ayumi-chan, something feels off," I said to the phone as I heard Ayumi stop talking. 

"What do you mean, something feels off? Are you lost or something?" Ayumi sounded concerned and scared for me as I walked off in the direction of the weird sensation. "Huh? Oh no, I'll call you back." I said to the phone.

"Wait for wha-" I had hung up as I turn my phone off and put my phone in my pocket. I look into the forest as I stood across the street. I looked to my right and then my left as I noticed no one was nearby. Only a small neighborhood but no one was outside. I step onto the street before running across making sure no cars were going by.

I stepped into the forest, my feet crunching under the snow as I walked. Earlier, on my phone call with Ayumi, I felt something off. Off as in like someone was watching me, I looked in the direction to see a woman staring at me.

Though, they didn't seem to be...normal. They looked rather pale, skinny, and a bit shinny. I walked around the forest, only going in one direction so I don't get lost. As I walked I could only hear the crunching of snow. "Hello? Is anyone out there?" I called out hoping for someone to answer me.

For a few minutes, nothing happened. I kept calling out and moving further away from the entrance of the forest. At this point, you could say I am lost but I am still in the same motion. In the same direction, all I have to do is turn and walk back. Luckily for me, there was no snow falling so my footprints were not covered.

"I swear I saw someone in here. Maybe one last call, Hello! Is something here lost or something!" I called out for the last time and that's when it happened. 

"Hello?" Someone answered back, I panicked for a bit before looking in the direction of the voice. 

"Hey! Are you lost? Where are you?" I called out turning and turning my view of direction but not moving. The voice was from a female, it came from the forest but I can't find the source. "I'm Here!" I heard the voice call out again.

"Where exactly is here? C-Can you try coming to me?" I said out in the direction of the voice, well I'm not entirely sure which direction but I heard it in front of me. 

I was getting scared, maybe this was a bad idea. What if it's a sociopath or something? I'm supposed to think about things before doing them, Some detective-to-be I am. 

"I can try! Just keep talking!" The voice sounded a bit closer as I nodded to no one and I kept calling out. I kept talking about the snow and question why they would be out here. Something was obviously wrong, I felt like something bad was going to happen. 

I was going to stop calling to turn and run but I was too late. At that moment, I felt shivers on my back. The crunching of snow behind me told me that they were here. "I'm here." They said closer than ever as I hesitated to turn around. The moment I turned, I was face to face with a young woman. 

She looked exactly like I remember seeing her, She was pale, tall, young, and shinny in the snow and the sun. "Oh, you're a small child. Why are you out here all alone?"She said tilting her head to the side softly. I relaxed feeling my body start to cool down. 

"Huh? OH, I was on a walk. I saw you in the forest and I thought you were lost." I said to the girl as she smiled sweetly. "Oh, you are quite brave for your age. What's your name?" She said smiling as she crouched to my level. 

"My name is F/n L/n," I said smiling as the young woman giggled. "What a pretty name. I like it." She said smiling as I smile back at her, she felt motherly like...as if she was my mother or something. "Onee-chan, why are you out here? Are you lost?" I asked her as she looked at me a bit funny before shaking her head. 

"No, I'm not lost. This is my home, I live out here." She explained with a gentle smile before standing up. "Do you want a tour?" She looked down at me gently as I thought to myself.

"Am I about to get kidnapped?" I backed up just a tiny bit, she seemed to notice and frowned. "Oh, there is no need to worry. I have my own children as well, I came out here looking for herabs for the winter." She said trusting, I had a feeling that I had to go with her. 

I looked up to the sky, it was midday. I had time to go and come back, I looked at her and nodded. "I would like a tour." I said smiling as she giggled. "Come on, I will lead you back out of the forest whenever you have to leave." She extended her arm out to me as I toke it.

She held my hand as she began walking, "She reminds me of mom." 


Hitting you guys up with another chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed.

A new character has suddenly appeared. What do you guys think of her? Is she suspicious? Is she connected to the story? Or is she just a side character?

Comment down below what you guys thought about the chapter. I tried to do something different with Y/n not stuttering to much since I know it's annoying. 

Daily update on my pregnant dog, she's doing fine. I got her an old blanket for whenever her stage of labor arrives. My dad, my brother and I started building her a small house for whenever she gives birth. We are still preparing but thanks to my cousin's advice I think she will deliver just fine.

Shout out to my readers and @SaucyCrystal for being there for me when I need it the most. Thank you for those who look out for me, it's a tough time but I promise things will get better. Just keep fighting and never give up. 

I believe in you.

Until next time, Case solvers!

Signed: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Esme The Author ♥

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