Chapter 1: The battle

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DEATH OF SIRIUS- Nicholas Hooper

Sirius had just arrived, at the Ministy of Magicl and the order soon followed.

Harry had just told his godfather that he wanted to stay and fight, when Lucius appeared and they both started to fight him. They were all shooting curses, spells and jinxes everywhere. Harry had just gotten rid of the wizard next to Malfoy when Sirius blasted Lucius' wand out of his hand and off to the side. He shot one more spell and blasted Lucius himself to the other side of the room.

"HARRY!" Hermione screamed to him from behind the rocks she was hiding behind.



I quickly turned around and saw her pointing to a figure that was just appearing.

Ron immediately pulled her down and started running in the other direction grasping her hand. As the black figure landed and revealed itself I stood ready with my wand and saw the one and only, Bellatrix Lestrange. However, she didn't point her wand at me, but to the figure beside me who was just turning around to see what they were screaming about, my godfather, Sirius.

"Avada Kedavra!" She screamed pointing her wand at Sirius.

As she was saying the curse, I reacted quicker than ever, jumping in front of Sirius and pulling him down to the ground, making the green light whizz past us and disappear into the mystical veil behind us.

"Stupefy!" I yelled, shooting a spell towards Bellatrix as I stood and Sirius followed suit.

Bellatrix looked shocked, and she started firing curses one by one towards us, me blocking each one out of anger. Sirius was next to me blocking and fighting, slowly recovering from his shock, as she was firing at both of us. Remus soon came and joined us, firing and blocking every spell he knew towards the dark witch. She soon realized that 3 wizards were her limit and she was being overpowered so she quickly wrapped herself up and flew into the sky disappearing.

I immediately looked around the room, made sure we were safe, and jumped into Sirius's arms embracing him as he muttered a quick "Thanks," before we both turned around.

Remus had flown to fight another death eater towards the ground, as he and Hermione both almost at the same time screamed


Remus and Hermione made eye contact and the DA soon all came out of hiding behind the rocks to fight.

"No stay behind-" Remus began, but stopped when he saw Hermione knock out his death eater.

"You're with me," He said smiling towards her.

Ginny quickly went towards Tonks who was struggling to handle two death eaters, but I saw Remus and Tonks make eye contact before Sirius pulled me to the side, away from the veil.

Ron accompanied Mr. Weasley who just arrived. Luna and Neville both ran towards Kingsley and Mad-Eye to back them up. While Sirius and I battled 3 more death eaters. I was firing and blocking every spell and soon I knew they were gaining confidence and strength until someone disarmed one of them at the same time I did, sending him and his wand into the walls. Ginny.

Ginny soon arrived next to me. I wanted to stop everything and hold her and tell her it was going to be alright, but the two death eaters were gaining on Sirius. I grabbed Ginny's hand and pulled her closer to me and Sirius. Together, we fought the remaining two death eaters, gaining more and more strength by the minute especially since Ginny was by my side, fighting. One of the death eaters soon send a curse towards Ginny but I quickly blocked it and pushed Ginny a bit to the side, feeling my blood start boiling of anger. How dare he?

"Come on then!" I screamed at him firing darker curses towards him.

I sent them so quickly that he was caught by surprise at the last one and I had a second to hit him straight in the chest yelling


I heard light footsteps running towards me and the familiar touch of Ginny Weasley on my left hand, as I was approaching the death eater ready to do anything to him.

"Think Harry." Ginny said quietly.

The death eater stared at me stunned, in fright, as I focused on Ginny's words.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I yelled. And the death eater froze.

"Thank you," I whispered back to Ginny.

We quickly ran towards Sirius, Remus, and Hermione who were all near to one another, each battling a death eaters. I didn't want to let go of Ginny's hand but she ran towards Hermione, and I ran towards Sirus seeing as Remus almost had beaten the death eater. I stopped and thought about what Ginny said.


Hi there! Hope you liked the first chapter! Let me know if it was too short, cause I didn't know exact how long to make it. Bye!

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