The training and truth

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Heyyaaa it's the author of this damn book
Just wanna say that i'm very thankful to y'all who read my book
Anyways on to the story
Hagoromo : To make you a Hero

Izuku : But i'm q-quirkless, how can i be a hero

Hagoromo : You see my boy quirks are not what you think it is. Long ago live the era of Shinobi. Shinobi were people a had special skills similar to quirks but not all that similar. You see before quirks existed there was chakra. My mother Kaguya Otsutsuki came down upon this world and ate the fruit of a tree known as the shinju tree. When she ate that fruit chakra came to be. Chakra is the ability to manipulate energy to be used for everyday uses and combat. However when quirks started to appear chakra was forgotten and its ability was lost. Your father was my good friend and can also use chakra.

Izuku : woah i never knew something like that existed in this world, But how are you gonna make me a hero ?

Hagoromo : I will train you to use and manipulate chakra with the help of the tailed beasts. Speaking of tailed beast why don't you introduce yourselves to izuku

??? : Do we have to ?

??? : Of course you damned tanuki he's gonna be our new jinchuriki

??? : fine whatever you say you damned monkey

Shukaku : Hey, the name's shukaku and i'm the 1-tailed beast

Matatabi : Hey, i'm matatabi and i'm the 2 tails

Isobu : yo, i'm isobu and i'm the three tails

Son : i'm son goku the 4 tails

Kokuo : I'm kokuo the 5 tails, guess i am gonna be your big sister

Saiken : i am saiken the 6 tails

Chomei : The name's Lucky 7 Chomei, but you can call me chomei the 7 tails

Gyuuki : Hey there, Gyuuki here the eight tails. The next one's gonna be a little bit hard.

???? : Hey *says in a scary tone*

Izuku : H-hello mr fox, w-w-what's your name *scared*


Matatabi : But you are a fox you know Kurama

Izuku : Kurama, is that your name ??

Kurama : yeah, anyways i'm gonna go to sleep. Don't disturb me or your dead meat

Izuku : i-is h-he always this s-scary?

Gyuuki : yeah, but don't worry inside he's as soft as a furball

Izuku : ohh kinda reminds me of kacchan hope he doesn't turn out like him

Hagoromo : now that you all are acquainted with one another lets get down to business. Me and the tailed beast are gonna train you and make you their new jinchuriki

Izuku : uhh if you don't mind me asking what's a jinchuuriki

Hagoromo : A jinchuriki is a vessel for the tailed beast usually a person can only hold 1 tailed beast but since you have otsutsuki blood in you you can hold all nine of them.

Izuku : ohh that make's sense. How long are you gonna train me for?

Hagoromo : 8 years

Izuku : NANI?!!! 8 years i'll be like 22 by then

Hagoromo : 8 years here is 8 hours in the real world so, when we finished training you'll be awake

Izuku : well then let's get started

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