Oblivious acts (merfolk Jade x Biologist! Fem! Reader)

Start from the beginning

She felt stupid now... her eyes went directly to the pool.

— "Jade Leech, is that you?" She giggled crossing her arms.

A pair heterochromatic eyes started emerging from the pool.

— "Good evening, Mrs Y/n. How are you this evening?"—

Even in his aquatic form, Jade Leech knew how to act like such gentleman as he looked at the amused face of the human lady.

— "Oh, I'm feeling incredible thank you for asking." She wanted to laugh, she passed out for what could be hours or minutes and this boy dared to ask that!

— "I'm glad to hear that... but I think there's something you want to say." Jade swam closer to the edge of the pool.
- "PFT- sir. Don't act as if we are meeting in a classroom. What are doing here?" The y/h/c haired young woman sat down next to the pool while she laughed at the strange encounter still holding on to the towel around her. It had the name 'Jade Leech' written in small letters on the side.

— "Hmhm. Well I was just coming to take care of my garden but my plans were cancelled because I had to save a little shrimp." The merman made himself comfortable on the edge of the pool while giving the young biologist a wink that sped up her heartbeat in an instant!

She looked away embarrassed by the act.—"I never thought you would call me that." —yes, that was the kind of power Jade Leech held on the young human. She just felt nervous whenever he was close but was it just because of the fact he was a merman? Or is it something else?

— "It just suits you. I must agree with Floyd in that. However, what brings you here?" He tilted his head in curiosity.

- "To be honest, I came to see the garden that appears to be yours. It's beautiful."
— "So you came here for the pretty flowers?" He raised an eyebrow.

— "I guess being your classmate and regular costumer at Mostro Lounge isn't enough for you to know me that well." She stood up and started walking beside the edge of the pool with the merman swimming beside her when they stopped next to a curious plant that was growing out of the pool with cocoons growing out of the stem, but even though the outside of the petals along with the stem were pure black, a small light coming from the inside of each cocoon could be seen.

— "Ah. I see the firecrib took your interest. They will open up soon."

— "Open?" Y/n asked curious as she extended her hand to touch the outside of the plants but she was stopped by Jade's hand. She looked at him confused. You — "I understand your curiosity little human, but remember curiosity killed the cat." Jade still didn't let go off her hand.

— "W-what do you mean?" She tried not to pay attention to the strange feeling she got holding her classmate's scaled hand.

— "You see, the inside of each cocoon is taking care of an specific type of firefly. These plants are strictly connected to that species which is ironic since they are fireflies and the plant is aquatic. They protect the youngest ones until Spring arrives so the outside of the cocoons have a defensive system that consists of a slimy cape with paralyzing poison." Jade kept explaining the intriguing plant but as much as she wanted to pay attention, she could only think about his hand grabbing hers. The gradient effect on his skin went from a dark greenish blue in his fingers to an immaculate pale mint green, but that was not all. She didn't notice before but it appeared to be that Jade had some dark freckles starting from his wrist up to his shoulders... it was hypnotic.
Jade soon noticed the staring from the young lady.
— "Oh. I-I apologize, Mrs Y/n-" He was about to let her go when suddenly the one holding him was her now.
— "Don't call me "Mrs". I'm just two years older than you." She frowned angry while Jade just tried not to giggle...
*aren't you the cutest?* he kept the thought to himself.

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