Ash kept teasing you about the sudden confidence to flirt in public while snow chuckled, but being the blunt person you are you pointed out how his girlfriend was blowing him flying kisses the entire time he was receiving his own degree.

That shut him up real quick.

After the ceremony everyone went to meet with their families and you were about to go to yours, that being your sweet boyfriend but before you, you took snow to the side and whispered a few words in his ear.

"I know it's none of my business but seriously get a move on with paiman she's really nice and sweet, plus have you seen the amount of looks she gets!?" The feathered boy blushed thinking about the said girl and how she is indeed popular.

"T-thanks....I'll do my best."

You threw yourself onto the warm strong arms of your boyfriend, enjoying every minute of it.

The two of you ended up having dinner that night at a friendly family restaurant, eating till you felt like vomiting.

You loosened each other's neckties giggling as you walked bare foot on the beach sand, the moonlight and stars made the night feel more magical than you'll ever dream of.

The two of you then laid on the sand looking up at the sky, saying a wish on each start your eyes land on.

Toshinori held your hand to his lips kissing it gently, caressing the cuts and scares from working in the support department all the time.

"You wanna know a secret?" He said.


"When I was reborn I wanted one thing in this life, I just wanted to be happier and with you I achieved that" you heart skipped a beat and before he knew it you rolled on top of him kissing him passionately.

When you broke the kiss he laughed loudly pulling you again for another one that turned to make out session that lead to you two doing it on the beach, no one was watching and only the night sky stars light up your dark night.

"You smell awful " Toshinori covered his nose in complete disgust at the terrible smell reeking from you.

You had just got home from work and the smell of gasoline mixed with sweat wasn't the most pleasant of smells to face in the morning.

You started working at ground zero's hero agency and it was not uncommon for them to call you at 1 am to come fix or do an emergency check up on the hero's costume because apparently he trusted you the most.

Last night was one of those times where you had to drag your sleepy body out of bed and make your sweet boyfriend drive you to the agency because he didn't trust transport at that late time of night.

"Missed you, Now tell there's warm water left?" The blonde nodded throwing a towel at you then disappeared into the kitchen.

After washing yourself you took the time to put some cream on your face, it was getting cold and your skin was starting to feel dry from low dehydration.

Over the past few years you grew to learn how to cook fast but excellent dishes, usually leaving Toshinori to get breakfast ready since most days your too lazy to move in the early morning.

The smell of eggs and bread filled the house.

"Seriously you gonna catch a cold like that!" You chuckled kissing his cheeks as he kept complaining about you walking around shirtless even though you knew he loved it.

"Nah, anyways did you remember to cancel any work for this weekend?"

"I should be asking you that, it's ash's wedding and you're supposed to be his best man!" Right your best friend was getting married to the girl of his dreams this week.

Sunflowers and rainbows . { male reader }Where stories live. Discover now