Demonstration- Jimin Top (M) 💛

Start from the beginning

I could picture his gorgeous smile in my head as he giggled before I heard his footsteps getting further and further away. My stomach began to tingle and my heart beat faster as I anticipated our upcoming shoot. A wave of anxiety rushed over me, worried about everyone seeing me so vulnerable. When I was out of character, I was bold, flirtatious, and fairly confident. But as soon as I entered the filming area, I became completely submissive, shy, and insecure.

Jimin always made sure that I felt comfortable and loved whenever we filmed. He was aware of my personality change and knew how sensitive I could be. I just hoped that we could be ourselves and perform like we normally would. I took one last look in the mirror as I sprayed my neck with some of my new perfume, before grabbing my silk robe and exiting the dressing room.

As the director barked out orders, the crew members scattered around to fix the ceiling lights and make last minute adjustments to the set. I could feel my hands lightly shaking as I turned to look at the empty observation area, knowing our colleagues would be watching us in a few minutes. As I tore my gaze away from the spot, my eyes naturally made their way to Jimin who was busy checking the play toys and scanning the scenery.

Somehow just seeing him made me relax almost instantly. As if noticing my gaze, he turned around and smirked. I blushed when I realized he had caught me staring, feeling sweat cascade down my back slowly. Jimin stared into my eyes for another moment before letting them drop to my body. I still had on my silk robe, but that didn't stop him from trying to see through the thin white fabric.

He always tried to sneak a peak and figure out which outfit I picked out before the shoot. I decided to tease him today and pulled the robe down slightly so he was able to see my purple choker. I chuckled at his shocked expression, his hazel eyes widening as he immediately knew what I was wearing. You could say this outfit was one of his favorites...

Jimin POV

While I was in the middle of scanning one of the handcuffs, I sensed someone's eyes on me. I turned to see my boyfriend ogling me from afar, his big doe eyes widening slightly when he noticed me staring. I internally groaned when I dared to lower my gaze, his slim but muscular physique shielded behind the sheer robe. I squinted my eyes while I tried to see what he was wearing underneath and my breath hitched when I saw Jungkook reveal the cosmic purple choker to me.

The adorable laugh that left his dainty, pink lips made my heart flutter and my knees weak. His nose scrunched up slightly as he laughed at my reaction. I licked my lips at my boyfriend as he strutted over to the stage, his hips swaying ever so enticingly. My eyes raked up and down his silhouette as my mind thought of different ways to punish him later for taunting me. I turned at the sound of footsteps entering the large room, all our colleagues making their way to the observation area.

Jungkook had convinced me to do this but, even though I caved in, I still felt my blood boil when I noticed some of the other cam boys looking at my handsome boyfriend. We were the only cam duo in the company who were dating while the rest of the group were single, gay and bi dudes. My jaw grew tight when I saw several guys whispering amongst themselves, fingers pointing in the direction of Jungkook. Right when I was about to confront them though, I heard the director's voice.

"Jimin-ah!" Dong-geun shouted, gesturing me to come over to him with a head nod.

"Yes, boss?" I asked, my eyes wandering over to the other cam boys briefly before I returned his gaze with a sigh.

"I just wanted to see how my favorite star was doing! You're not mad at me are you?" he joked as he lightly nudged my shoulder. I cracked a smile at him as I shook my head.

"No, of course not. It's really an honor that you asked us," I replied with a charming smile.

"Okay, good! Feel nervous?"

Demonstration (Jikook One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now