Chapter 14

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Henry was sitting at the head of the table in an empty council room. His right hand was fiddling with a quill while the other was massaging his left temple. He wrote a few more lines before putting the papers away, arranging them.

The heavy oak door creaked open and footsteps were heard. Henry didn’t lift his head up.

The footsteps stopped and a figure appeared at the corner of his eye.

“When were you going to tell me that you leave for France in 2 weeks?!”

“Sit down, Aria.”

Aria folded her arms and frowned. “No.”

“Fine by me.”

Henry set the papers down and looked up.

“I wanted to tell you tonight.”

“Hal, you should have told me straightaway!”

“Even if I have, what can you do?” Henry implored. His voice was exasperated. Aria didn’t know how to respond. What can she do? This is not an ordinary mission, its war. If he leaves, dies in France what would happen to her?

Aria huffed and unfolded her arms, “Take me with you.”

“What?!” Henry was flabbergasted. She can’t be serious.

“If you are jesting Aria, I suggest you stop.”

“I’m not!” Aria cried, frustrated.

“Then why do you want me to take you along?! This is not another journey, or a vacation. This is a war!”

“Do you really think I can’t differentiate between those two?!” Aria argued.

“Aria Baudouin! You can’t go to war! I forbid you!” Henry pleaded.

“I don’t care!”

“How dare you defy the King’s orders?! You’re a woman, you can’t go to war!”

“How dare you undermine me because of my gender?! Have you forgotten who saved you 6 months ago?!”

Henry was taken aback. This woman is crazy. No woman has ever gone to war. But she was right. She single-handedly defeated a group of men without any help and trained his archers. But she’s still a woman.

“I…I’m not…” Henry relented.

He turned away from her, stood up and paced towards a high ceilinged window, his back facing her.

“Hal?” Aria appeared beside him, concerned.

“I know you’re capable. I know you’re strong but it’s too dangerous. This is a war Aria. I can’t afford to lose you.” His voice softened as he remembered the time when he went back to her village and found her hut burnt down.

“And you think I’ll be better be in this castle, waiting for you to come back? Sitting around in this castle every day, pretending all is well, not knowing what has happened to you?”

“At least you’re safe.”

“To hell with being safe! I want to be with you. I want to fight alongside you.”

“ARIA!” Henry bellowed, infuriated.

“Do you understand the circumstances?! IT’S A BLOODY WAR. He leaned forward and growled, “You. Might. Die.”

“And you?” Aria whispered. “You might die too.”

Henry was stumped for a moment.

He took a step back, folded his hands behind his back and looked away. Neither of them said anything to each other for some time.

My King: Henry VWhere stories live. Discover now