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L-ike nymphs kept inside of that transparent haven,

I- , too am struggling for having been kept for long.

F-or they see me happy, as if I'm not sicken,

E-ntourage's just gloom, I always feel so wrong.

I-n the game, "hide and seek", they would not look for me,

N-one would even falter, I'm not part of their song.

A- simple "me" is plain, an ash in the ashtray,

N-igritude's my buddy, fulfilled with a sad "bong".

A-h! I forgot something, I was a clown for thee,

Q-ueen of great pretenders, an actress of all times.

U-mpires telling me to look at you with much glee,

A-gain, this' so not me; such a poem with forced rhymes!

R-eal me wants to go out, I'm a nymph that get drown,

I-n aquaria of life, when melancholy sucks.

U-nderwater I sank, I thought I'll get the crown,

M-eal I am for despair, a plywood for thumbtacks!

*Acrostic: Life In An Aquarium

*Combined Title with Acrostic: HAHA— JUST FOR FUN, LIFE IN AN AQUARIUM

* 12 syllables

* Caesura 6/6

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