Stupid Y/N. ❞ I whispered to myself as I tried my best to finished the food I was cooking. I wanted to cook some soup for today, as for I am quite feeling cold this morning, but what happened awhile ago is already enough to make myself feeling hot. Specifically my face. Damn, that was embarrassing.

I sighed as I prepared the food and lift them up to the table as I saw Loki in his green clothing. He lifted his gaze at me from the book as I stiffened, yet managed myself to move my eyes down to the food. I saw from my peripheral vision that he's standing on his feet, on his way up to me- welp, the table. I swallowed a knot as I lifted my gaze at him, meeting his beautiful emerald orbs.

I smiled at him, forcing it actually. ❝ Eat with me. The others are out today, and eating alone isn't my style. ❞ I said, trying to keep my cool as I saw him sitting. I smiled at him as he looked at the food I made. ❝ Is this a porridge? Or a soup? ❞ He asks as I took a seat across him. ❝ A soup. I wanted to eat something warm for starters, I'm feeling abit cold. ❞ I said as I grabbed my spoon, fork, and an ceramic bowl for my soup.

Are you alright? ❞ He suddenly asks. I looked at him, and his eyes were a bit looking worried at me. I smiled, ❝ I'm fine. The weather's a bit cold too. ❞ I said as I dig in my food. I heard him snickered, ❝ The sun is in its broad daylight, Y/N. It is certainly not because of the weather. ❞ He suddenly said as my eyes grew big, confused.

I lifted my head above the ceiling, as if Jarvis was actually there. ❝ Jarvis, can you give me updates about the weather today? ❞ I asked softly as I heard Loki eating his food, a contented expression resting on his face. ❝ As of 10:35 A.M, 39°C in New York. A chance of rain this evening, advising to bring umbrella or stay at home. ❞ He said as my eyes were already open wide, not actually believing. 39 degrees celsius? What the fuck?

Disbelief has spread all over my face as I am confused. I am sure I'm feeling quite cold, yet I am fine either. It's impossible for me to get sick after all. Loki looked at me with an "i told you so" look as I rolled my eyes at him. ❝ That's weird. I'm perfectly fine though, It must be the ACs. ❞ I said at him with a pout and continued eating as I didn't heard him responding at me.

It's already afternoon yet I am quite feeling abit hotter than usual. Yes, I think I have a fever. This is so weird, I was perfectly fine just this morning! I groaned as my head aches. Fucking hell. This is hell. I'm living in hell.

I covered myself using the blankets and the sheets below were already scattered, looking so unpleasant for any perfectionists eyes. That doesn't matter though, I just wanted to hide myself. I already ask Jarvis to turn down the ACs in my room and to check Loki at the moment. I sighed as I felt myself shivering. What a beautiful day to start my Sunday.

As I tightly covered myself within my blanket, I asked Jarvis' about Loki and to my surprise, I almost choke on my own saliva as the AI answered, ❝ Mr. Odinson is currently at your door, Miss. He is about to knock on your door. ❞ He said and in cue, I heard a knock on the door.

Y/N? Are you alright? You haven't gone outside your room after breakfast. ❞ He said as I felt my cheeks burning, not because of the fever but because of blushing. He actually noticed me. I said internally and I cleared my throat to not make myself more obvious on my current state. ❝ I'm perfectly fine, Loki. Like I said that I am. ❞ I lied.

I heard him scoffed. ❝ Unless if you wanted to die on your own, might as well leave you with your state today. ❞ He said, obviously teasing me. I could see his infamous smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes. ❝ I think you already know the truth, why even bother asking me? ❞ I said as my grumpiness had taken over my system. I heard him laugh as he opened my door, taking a peek before entering.

I sighed as I look away from him while sitting in an indian style seat, covering the blanket all over me. My face are the only part of my body that is exposed. I saw him took one of the chairs I have and sat on it. I covered myself more, feeling his judging eyes on me. ❝ I knew you'll get sick. ❞ He said as he crossed his arms around his chest. I scoffed, ❝ You didn't even bothered telling me. ❞ I whispered as I wish he didn't actually heard me but why believe in a lie.

I saw him stood up and grabbed something from my table, and took a towel. In a few seconds, it was already wet, because of his magic. He walk his way near me as he demanded me to lie down and I did as what I was told, and he gently put the wet towel above my forehead, feeling a bit fine for a while.

Because I wanted to take care of you. I thought you would notice it, I did not know you are this dumb. ❞ He said yet I heard something very different from what his mind was saying. I closed my eyes as I sighed. ❝ Thank you. ❞ I said, my voice all raspy. ❝ You're welcome, dumb girl. ❞ I almost wanted to beat his ass right now but my sickness is stopping me. What kind of a nickname is that?

Though it might sound a bit weird, that nickname is actually quite familiar in my ears too. But I never heard anyone calling me that. Or did I?

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