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  She frowned, noticing there was no gift from fred. Lorelei noticed it and smirked slightly. "I'm sure he's waiting to give it to you tonight, let's get ready, yeah?" lorelei said, making the blonde nod and stand up, rushing up the stairs to shower before calum could complain.

  Audrey looked in the mirror the green dress she was wearing made the green in her blue eyes appear. Audrey stood behind the girl curling her hair to perfection. "I don't know, I think the blonde hair is the best but red was cute." lorelei said making audrey nod.

  "Red made me feel like I was dating my brother almost." audrey joked making lorelei laugh quietly then look up at audrey. "About your brother um.. Well how bad would it be if my tiny crush on him came back?" Lorelei asked, causing Audrey to gasp and turn towards the girl.

  "So that's what my mum was talking about!! Lorelei that's amazing, but um he lives in the us.." Audrey said, making Lorelei sigh and sit down. "Surprise, he told me last night he's moving back, he was supposed to tell you this morning the little arse." lorelei mumbled making audrey smile.

  There was a popping noise from downstairs making audrey smirk running down the stairs quickly, as she was running she couldn't help but feel like she was 17 all over again. "Ah fred honey you look amazing, you must be arthur, so nice to finally meet you.'' Penelope said, making audrey stop at the foot of the stairs.

  "Yes yes nice to meet you, my wife and I agreed two people weren't enough for fur others." Arthur said, making Penelope nod. Penelope had her blonde hair down and a nice red dress on while Calum just wore a sweater and jeans.

  "Merry christmas arthur.'' Audrey said walking into the living room catching everyone's eyes. "Oh wow, i haven't seen that dress yet." Fred mumbled messing with his hands making George laugh. "Watch what you say." Calum joked, making Fred smile.

  Audrey kissed Fred cheek as if to say I know. Lorelei walked down the stairs holding her purse and audrey's huffing when she finally made it to the living room. She almost froze seeing George but held it back and walked over to calum who smiled at her.

  "Alright then if that's all, Fred you take Audrey and I'll take um penelope! George you take Lorelei and Audrey's brother-" "- could i go with fred? I just don't want anything to be awkwards.'' Lorelei said, sending Audrey a pleading look. "Oh right yeah, fred take lor i'll go with georgie.'' Audrey said, walking over to George who smiled holding his arm out for her.

  The group apperated to the burrow. Once there penelope and calum fell down making the people in the living room hold back laughs at the guest. "Oh penelope! Audrey! Lorelei! So nice to see you three, and so nice to meet you calum." molly said, pulling them all in for hugs.

  "Dinner should be ready soon, i wanted to eat inside but because there is going to be so many people we'll have to eat outside!" molly added holding penelope's hand and walking outside, the group following. "Ah audrey!" Fleur said, pulling Audrey into a hug.

  "Itz zo nize to zee you!" Fleur said, making Audrey smile pulling away "it really is!" audrey said, taking note on how Bill smiled at the two talking as if they were family. Audrey sat down next to Fred, across from her was Lorelei and calum. Audrey looked counting how many people were there.

  It was fleur, bill, ron, fred,george, molly,hermione, remus, harry, her mum, arthur, calum and lorelei. There were fairy lights in the trees above the table bringin in just enough light.

  A little after dinner everyone was just chatting around the table. Audrey didn't miss the looks Molly sent Fred as if she was trying to tell him something. "So audrey, i heard that merlin is lonely." George said, making audrey look at him. "Well yes he's lonely but he's also an old kitty.- what oh."

  Audrey turned to Fred who was down on one knee after tapping her shoulder. Everyone had gone silent watching the two as if it was a movie they couldn't turn off.

  "Audrey Emerson, I have known you since our first year at Hogwarts, I've flirted with you since third. Maybe before that, you became my girlfriend and i couldn't have been so lucky, you made me happy you were okay with my hobbies and always told me how successful id be,"

  "You took my gifts and never took them off, you told me you loved me even when i was so sure you'd leave me, you let me see the side of you only few knew, you're my best friend and my lover, and well i couldn't ask for anyone else."

  "So with that being said, audrey emerson will you become my wife and make me so incredibly lucky?" Fred finished watching as tears fell from audrey's eyes messing up her makeup. "Yes, a million, trillion times yes you idiot!!" Audrey yelled, making Fred stand up, Audrey following suit, pulling him into a kiss.

  The two forgot anyone else was around it was just them kissing full of passion agreeing to be with each other through everything. "Please tell me you didn't do this because your mum wanted you to?" Audrey joked laughing while crying, making Fred roll his eyes and kiss her again. "I would never." 

freds speech made my heart go woosh...

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