Crystal grabbed his arm before he could be too impulsive.

"He's just so jealous that he tried to turn our boss against us. I wish to break that bloody face of him" Neil hissed, but her touch softened him a bit.

"Leave him alone. He's just hurt. There's no need to hurt him also physically" she spoke softly to him.

"You deserve some revenge" he suggested looking at her "He punched you on the face because you can't take your eyes off of me".

A laugh escaped her lips before she could stop it "People can punch and kick me as much as they want. I have eyes only for you".

Neil offered his best smile "That's what I should be saying, not you. You are the gorgeous one. And I officially ask you out on a date, tonight or whenever you want".

She peered at him expecting him to reveal some joke "Hmm, am I forced to say yes?".

"Only if you want to" he clarified, disoriented by her hesitation "I understand that hanging out with me can be boring or dangerous, but I'd really love spending much time as possible with you".

Seeing how he tamed his enthusiasm to turn into a shy man made her laugh "You're easy to fool, aren't you? Of course I want to hang out with you. Something cosy, but nothing too lavish. I prefer casual looks than joining fashion contests".

Neil nodded grinning "Noted. If you have other suggestions, do tell me".

She moved her shoulders "I'm still a stranger here. You can pick whatever you like. So I also learn more about your tastes".

He sighed, losing a bit of his confidence "I hope not to get into troubles then. I'll pick you up at 8. So you have a couple of hours of truce, away from me".

She thanked him with a kiss on his cheek, whispering to his ear "I'm looking forward to this date".

Back to her flat, Crystal got ready quickly and spent some long moments in front of her mirror.

She was satisfied with her simple look, but she needed to wear carefully her role and be mentally ready.
She couldn't afford other mistakes.
Going out in public, being surrounded by normal people made her feel exposed and vulnerable.

Her mind struggled to lock away the memories of executions that happened in the crowd. She was more motivated and coldblooded back then.
She wondered how Neil couldn't sense her dark side the more he grew closer to her. But she feared it was just a matter of time.

At 8pm Neil parked in front of the entrance door.
Perfect timing.

When he out of his car, the sight of him took her breath away.
He wasn't less elegant compared to his outfit that night in Paris.
Crystal could easily skip the dinner and drag him into her bedroom.

Neil stood, staring back at her with the same wonder shining in his eyes.
"Casual indeed" he commented, walking to meet her at her door, making it harder for her not to put into action her plan to invite him instantly on her bed.

She glanced down at her simple, dark dress to hide the malicious grin that for a moment sparkled on her face.
"Well, look at you. You have the casual concept of a lawyer or a businessman" she remarked eyeing his suit.

"I've tried my best" he shrugged and took her hand "Thank you for not leaving me alone this evening".

She scoffed, melting even more when he leaned to kiss the back of her hand while his eyes never abandoned hers.
"Keep your comments for after the dinner" she blurted, pulling her hand away from him before she could melt even more "I have plenty of time to turn your evening into a living hell".

Inverted (a Neil / Tenet fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now