Chapter 1

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(Hi Kittens thank you for reading my second book and I hope you like it. Also this chapter will mainly be focusing on Felix and Bridgette's view as the next chapter will be what is going on the Mari you will get what I mean when you read this chapter. Okay I'm going to stop talking so you guys can read this chapter)

3rd POV (Mainly about Felix and Bridgette POV in this chapter)

A Happy family of three live in England but has to leave for Gotham. For Felix the husband and father to sign a business deal. Bridgette, his wife and his child Marinette were going with him so he didn't have to be apart from them. It had now been two weeks after signing the business deal with Bruce Wayne and were going to his Gala. They didn't want to leave their almost 3 year old daughter but many people said they needed some time alone, so after a long time of thinking about it they agreed. They left Marinette with Lillian after making sure everything would be okay. Nobody has met Marinette other than really close family like Felix's mother and Lillian who is really close to Bridgette as they are like sisters but not blood related. But as I was saying they wanted to keep Marinette out of the spotlight for now.

While at the Gala in a beautiful deep red dress Bridgette that sparkles in the night. She decides to call her honorary sister Lillian to make sure everything is okay and begins to worry when she doesn't answer. She rushes and goes through a bunch of people to tell Felix (who wearing a black tux with a lime green tie). While Felix is talking to Bruce he sees a rush and panic Bridgette and excuses himself from Bruce. Felix I call Lillian and she is not answering Bridgette tells Felix. As Felix now has panic in his eyes. Let me try calling her, Felix tells his panicked wife as he is also trying to calm her down but finds it hard too as he is a bit worry and panic himself. After about 10 calls later still going to voicemail he and Bridgette plan on leaving to go and make sure their daughter is okay.

They soon rush through the crowds of people not listening to the ones calling their names. They make it to the doors and go into their car driving as fast as the cloud to reach the hotel or other places they think the nanny could be but they found nothing.

Three days later as they still haven't found anything. Bridgette breaks down into tears for the fifth time with Felix crying with her. Telling her they will find their daughter and her honorary sister.

A week later and found out that there was a car crash. Also a body that had a lot of cuts and a gun shot in the head was in a lake. It was Lillian in the lake and no baby. Apparently Lillian was murdered and the murder threw the body into a lake but die from crashing into a building. The police don't know if he kill drove himself into the building on purpose or if it was on accident. The guy that killed the nanny because they met in highschool and he cheated on her. Even after a while he still asks her to take him back and she still says no. So he even kidnapped her and she continues to say no even has a restraining order on him and he even went to jail. But somehow he broke out of jail and found her then killed her.

Their only thought going in their head was where their baby was and saddened about Lillan (the nanny). Brignette and Felix saw her as a younger sister and were in deep sadness that she was gone. She was even an honorary aunt to Mari who loved Lillan very much. A week later they had given Lillan a beautiful funeral with her favorite flower's bluebell and lilies as she wore a beautiful white dress. As Lillian was the one that came up with one of Marinette's middle names. They declare that they would look for Mari until their dying breaths after the funeral and that they will never forget Lillian as she was an amazing person. They had then told Bruce what happened the next day. As he told the poor couple that someone could have taken her or taken her to an orphanage. So they went all round town looking in each orphanage and found nothing. While there they heard people that work at the place talking about how kids that got taken by horrible people were getting shipped and sold around the world as they found a few new kids the other day.

Felix and Brignette then made a promise to find information on missing kids that were/from Gotham that got shipped. They had a thought that maybe their baby was one of the ones taken. So they found some information by some horrible people and decided to visit those places while hoping to find their daughter and saving some kids. They had Plagg and Tikki so they believed they would be okay. After all this trip could help try and look for Tikki and Plagg daughter too. As she's been missing for at least 3 centuries she was still new, not many people have known about her, other than her parents and other miraculous who have been alive for centuries. As they had many practices and have grown as centuries past. Also got to experience their own time with their holders as time passed but their daughter had never got to experience that yet since she was still young. Unfornaily someone took that miraculous and the kawamis still have not been able to locate her as she is another one of the most powerful miraculous with the powers of creation and destruction.

The two couple's had made a promise to find their missing daughter as they hoped both were still alive and well. 

(Okay Kittens there you have it first chapter done and I hope you enjoy as I am going to begin typing up the next second)❤️

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