Chapter 30

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Aye Te.! Monster yelled mad as he came into the trap house.

What.? I questioned pissed off.

What the hell is going on.?

I don't know.! I came here and the shit was ran through.! I found this nigga tryna run out the back door so I shot his ass in the leg.

You Ight.?

Yeah I'm fine I'm just tired as shit. Can you finish up here for me?

Go get some rest. Aye yall get this lil nigga to the spot.! He yelled angrily. The two guys he was with came over to the young boy carrying him out the back door. "Where's your car.?"

Gia took it to go to the store. Can you take me up to the trap on 56th.?!

You need to rest.! He said as he opened his car door.

No what I need to do is finishing getting these orders ready and do payment.

Te I can have somebody do that you need to rest ima take you to the apartment.

Monster I'm fine.! I can rest later on I need to get this shit done stop acting so protective over me I'm pregnant not handicapped.!

I didn't say you was.! But here me out I know you can handle yourself but your pregnant and as my woman I'm always gonna protect you and my kids and as in kids yes I mean A'Promise too. Y'all mean the world to me this is a fucked up game for all of us and anything can happen.

Like you said I can handle my own Monster.! I said rolling my eyes as he pulled off going into the direction I need him too.

What time you getting out of here.?

I don't know why.?

Because I wanna know is that so much to ask for.?

Your doing it again.....

Ight Te I ain't gone ask no more. He said huffing his breath annoyed sitting his seat back. I got out the car and began to walk to the house. I fell to the ground hitting it hard as fuck. I screamed so loud out in pain.

Te'Aylaaaaaaaaa.!!!!!!! I heard Monster screaminggggggggggggg my name to the top of my lungs. I heard tires screeching. The wind was knocked out of me. "Baby, baby Te can you hear me.?!" Monster voice was frantic and everything was moving in slow motion.

What just happened.? I growned in pain.

Baby don't move at all.! Monster panicked. I layed here in pain it was like my body was in shock. "Yeah my name is Deonte, I'm on the corner of 56th well four houses from the corner my girlfriend just got hit by a car.!" Monster cried holding my head in his lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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