Chapter 10: Blurry flashbacks

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"Whatever nerd" She replied my lips parted.

"You did not" I looked at her in disbelief.

"Oh yes I did, nerd" She made the 'nerd' noticeable.

"I am not a nerd, young lady!" I playfully protests.

"You sure? I could list all the things why you're considered a nerd. First you're insane in math which is unbelievable, second you're obsessed with star wars, third you like reading books, fourth you're a goody two shoes-" She listed as I felt my cheeks burned from embarassment.

"OKAY, okay fine I'm a nerd" I cutted her off and the cast laughed.

Millie smirked at me smugly as I rolled my eyes playfully.

I bought the albums I picked out and the cast surprisingly bought some too "Wow, never expected you guys to actually buy some of these" I stated

"I want to try them someday anyways" Millie shrugged, I smiled at that.

"Yeah, now let's get out of here I'm tired" Noah whined.

So we left the mall and drove back to our own houses after saying goodbye to eachother.

I arrived at the complex, paying the driver and going out with the duffel bag clutched in my hand and went up to the penthouse.

I sighed once I crashed on the couch feeling exhausted from all the walking earlier.

I felt my eyes begone to fall shut so I let it and let the peacefulness consume me 'Considering I only slept for 4 hours and getting woken up by a loud Noah demanding to go somewhere'

Millie's pov:

I entered my house and put away all the shopping bags, 'Today was fun but tiring'

I removed my shoes and put them aside, walking around the house with only socks on.

I entered the kitchen to get a bottled water and gulped it down my throat feeling refreshed.

Entering the living room and plopping down the couch, my phone rang so I pull it out my pockets and read the contact ID to be Sadie.

"Hey sade's!" I enthusiastically greeted

"Hey girly!" She greeted back with the same energy as mine.

"What you up to?" I questioned.

"I was gonna ask if you want to have a sleepover" She replied fron the other line.

"didn't we just had a sleepover yesterday?" I said chuckling.

"But this is just us girls!" She spoke hopefully.

"Please, mills" She pleaded.

"Fine, But only if you buy me starbucks on your way here" I said smiling.

"Yay! I promise I'll buy you Starbucks and we're gonna so much fun" Sadie excitedly spoke.

I chuckled "Yeah, yeah see you later" I smiled and she hang up.

I stood up and made a sandwich to eat and went back again to the couch I was sitting at earlier before and opening up netflix to pass the time.

The doorbell rang signaling Sadie's arrival and I strutted my way to the front door.

I opened the door "Hey mills!" Sadie automatically greeted once the door was wide open while hugging me.

"Sade's!" I hugged back giggling 'Jeez it looks like we've never seen eachother for years'

"Here you go" She handed me a Starbucks coffee going in with her bag in hand.

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