(Y/N) said he was gonna get a drink for me and be back in a pinch. But it was taking an unreasonably amount of time that I lost my cool and decided to do it myself. I ascended out of my seat and marched towards the Player's Lounge to get that icy cool beverage that I so in need deemed. Turning the corner I soon see why it took so long for (Y/N) to return. He already had the beverage in hand and was about to return but got tangled in a conversation with Alex, one of the newest after mention Overwatch E-sports team member. When I first met Alex, it only took the first conversation we had to understand that he is a big talker, like he won't stop talking. Once he laid the foundation for a conversation, there was little room to escape without being straight up rude.

Alex: "I'm telling you, you have to give (game you don't play anymore) another chance. It just got a big update and it's vastly better then when it first launched."

(Y/N): "I mean I could but I really don't want to. I had high hopes on release but it was just a letdown after a day or two."

Hana: "There you are boo." I squeeze my way into the conversation.

(Y/N): "Hey babe, by the way I got you your drink Hana."

Hana: "Thanks boo." I take the drink off him and take a slip immediately.

Alex: "Do you play (game you don't play anymore) Hana? Your boyfriend here doesn't want to give it a second chance."

Hana: "Occasionally. It has some fun moments but I just get bored real quick."

Alex: "Of course you would. All you play is StarCraft II all the time Hana." Alex had crossed his arms and rolled his eyes behind his thick glasses.

Hana: "Hey! Do you want me to beat you at your oh so favourite game?"

Syeda: "Now now you two, we're supposed to be a team remember." She said walking right past our conversation and continued to walk on by.

I got along quite well with Syeda. She was the second newest member of the team and she's always the one to keep the team positive and moving. Though that could get repetitive sometimes.

Hana: "Right sorry Alex. Need to remember that you guys are my new teammates. Still thinking you guys are just some random players."

Ivan: "Cool story you guys. Just excuse me I need to get a drink behind you guys." Ivan butted in from nowhere.

Ivan was the one I call the overly sarcastic one. He does have his moments but overall he can get annoying with his attitude. Seeing that I could use Ivan's cutting in as an opportunity to get away from the conversation magnet that is Alex. I grabbed (Y/N)'s arm and tugged him away back into my office. Walking past the wall of private offices, Dotty had emerged from her private office and had scared me and (Y/N) with her unamused face.

Hana: "Oh hey Dotty." I quickly replied.

Dotty: "... hi Hana" she said so boring like.

I never get to see Dotty much which is why it's hard for me to get along with her. She's always nestled in her private office and doesn't want to be disturbed. She's what I presume to be the socially awkward one and sometimes can be a downer. Yet despite her attitude, it doesn't hold back on her skills. One time she came to join the party playing a game on the big TV in the center. She took a free controller without taking a seat and in seconds had completely destroyed all of us without showing any expression of gratitude or joy. When I ment all of us, I ment Alex, Syeda and Ivan. Obviously not me cause I'm a pro gamer. I was able to react according. But still even after defeating the other three, all she did was sigh and moved along with her day. I've seen tournaments with Dotty playing and whenever I see that her previous team won or lost, she always has just a blank expression.

(Y/N) was starting to get bored of just sitting in the background all day. So I promised him that after I finish playing this one round I would show him around the campus a bit more. By the time I finished with my game, (Y/N) was already waiting by the door for me to lead the way. We both hopped into the elevator before I selected the ground floor and in a matter of minutes it had transported us down safely to the ground floor. We both exited the main building and started to walk around the campus, stopping at places where ethier I would describe to (Y/N) what they were or he simply asked what it was. We planned to walk the full lap around the campus therefore we could hit every department. Occasionally during our little walk we would have ran into some other familiar co-workers. Angela, Jamison and Lena were just a handful to listout. I ought to introduce them to (Y/N) seeing that it was a perfect time to do so. When we parted ways (Y/N) would feel pleased with me knowing that I've been fitting in quite nicely.

(Y/N): "Hmm. Seems like you're fitting in quite nicely Hana."

Hana: "I guess so. I mean if I didn't run into Lúcio on my first day then I wouldn't get to meet the others."

(Y/N): "Wait Lúcio? He works here as well?"

Hana: "Yeah I didn't know either. But it did make sense everytime he says Radio Overwatch on his radio station."

Seeing that (Y/N) asked about Lúcio, on the way back I ought to introduce him to Lúcio as well before we return to the E-sports training facility for me to inevitably resume gaming until I clock out. Existing the elevator once again when it had brought us to the designated floor, I pointed (Y/N) to the location to his radio studio. I held the door open to the studio where (Y/N) followed me in. Inside the studio I saw Lúcio through the glass windows taking care of the radio station that  he owned and instantly recognized me back. Though I can see him being engaged with his listeners, he curled his fingers towards his palm to signal us to come into the studio.

Lúcio: "Surround yourself with music. Just be sure to turn the radio on. This is Rejuvenescência on Radio Overwatch." He took off his headphones after he toggled on the music to play.

Lúcio: "What brings you here Hana?" He said getting off his seat to approach us.

Hana: "I want to introduce you to (Y/N)."

Lúcio: "Ah! So this is the one and only (Y/N) that Hana can't stop talking about. Nice to finally meet you." Lúcio had offered (Y/N) his hand to shake.

(Y/N): "A privilege to meet you Lúcio. Love your work." (Y/N) shook his hand with confidence.

Lúcio: "Likewise man."

Lúcio went around and showed us around his studio seeing that we were present. He showed us his golden records collection that were framed on the walls as well as his DJing station. With said DJing station, he allowed us to get a sneak peek at his latest work. After the tour we engaged into some light chatter before we said our goodbyes seeing that Lúcio had to get back to running his station. I brought (Y/N) back to the E-sports training facility.

When we got back the whole team had organized a group game around the big TV in the center so naturally I had to join in, to kick everyone's butt obviously. (Y/N) wanted to play as well, just for fun of course. He knows getting in a game with five professional E-sports players is not a  good recipe for a swell old time. Especially if he intends to win. He knows that better then anyone else since he has to deal with one of those professional E-sports player back home. We messed around playing game after game until I had to clock out only to do the same thing yet again.

(A/N) Notes

Nothing special just filler chapter. However next chapter will be something. Because my horny ass has decided to write a lemon🍋 chapter after all that teasing I've been doing. I know, I know I said I wasn't gonna too. But I got horny after that shower tease and I got some juicy ideas so...

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