meeting Jeff,Knife,Smile dog

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I was playing hide and seek with Ben. When I heard a branch get stepped on.

Me: Ben ?

All of sudden someone stepped out and the other was standing next to him.


I started screaming and ran off.

Ann: MAYA.

Masky,Hoodie,and Dad ran out while Ann ran over Masky,Hoodie,and Dad standed in front of us to protect me and Ann. Ann picked me. Ben walked over holding on tight to the guys arm with the girl following him.

Girl: I told you we shouldn't have gone after the kid. Ugh you never listen to me.
Ben: I heard Maya scream .
Girl: Jeffs fault not mine. I just turn into his weapon.
Boy: would now be good time to say that there was a werid demon thing about to kill the kid.
Dad: what did this demon look.
Girl: it was red with horns.
Me: Zalgo. He's after me again isn't.
Dad: I'm afrid so Maya. Well are tou going to tell us your names.
Boy: Jeff.
Girl: Knife. I'm Jeffs weapon. See

Knife turned into a knife. Ann looked at Dad and Dad looked at Ann. Dad nodded his head. Ann walled forward. I was about to my hand on Jeffs but he flinched.

Ann: Don't worry this is how she communicates.

I put my hand on his cheek and showed him my memories. Once down I pulled my hand away.

Jeff: we'll join you.

Ann set me down and I saw uncle Tender and  ran to him. Uncle Tender picked me up and spun me around before setting me on tje ground.

Tender: we got a problem.
Dad: what kinda of problem.
Tender: scientist and doctors are looking for Maya.
Dad: So is Zalgo.

I was suddenly pulled into a vision.


Zalgo walking out of the woods with his grauds.

End of Vision.


I noticed that Maya was about to fall to the ground because she was havinga vision. I picked her up and hand her to Ann. And went back to talking to slender.


Ann I was standing by the woods when I saw Zalgo standing behind us.

Me: *Screams*

Ann looked behind us and saw zalgo.

Dad & Tender : Zalgo.
Dad: Ann run take Maya get away from here.

Ann ran to one of the horse and got on while holding me. The horse ran while dad,Tender,Masky,Hoodie,Ben,Jeff and Knife where fighting Zalgo. I was keeping an eye on the back of us. I saw one of Zalgos grauds. I noticed Ann was zoning out.

Me: Ann,Ann.

I looked up and saw him jump. I noticed Ann snaped out of it.

Me: watch out.

A dog jumped down killing the garud. We continued to ride while the dog followed us. We arrived at uncle trendys manison. Ann set me on the ground and got back on to the horse and ran back to dad.

Uncle Trendy: Maya what are you doing here.

I explained what happened. I looked and saw the dog was still standing there I ran over to the dog hugged him.

Me: thank you for saving you have a name.

The dog shaked his head no.

Me: hmm you have a smile. So why not smiley.

The dog shook his head no.

Me: smile dog.

The dog nodded a yes. I smiled and sat down and started petting him. Uncle trendy told me to come inside so I wouldn't get sick. I got up and staryed walking with smile dog inside uncle trendys manison. I saw  Ani the wight.

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