After handing out small cups filled with the truth serum the games begin.

"Who wants to go first?" Hermione asks, Pansy's hand shoots up in the air a smirk covering her face. Hermione just smiles and lets the Slytherin pick her first victim.

"Lavender!" Lavender whips her head to the Slytherin girl, a scared look on her face.

"Truth or Dare?" The slightly vicious grin on Pansy's face does nothing to soothe the slightly terrified girl.

"Truth?" Lavender says trying to not look the girl in the eyes.

"Hmm, what's your body count?" Pansy asks smirking slightly, she is one to need to know all the gossip.

"Three," Lavender says blushing slightly at the eyes on her. She coughs before looking around the circle for her victim.

The game goes on for a little while, the group learning the Neville has a crush on Hannah--no surprise there--Padma had to play seven minutes in heaven with Theo Nott, Hermione being dared to sit on Pansy's lap for three rounds, and Blaise telling everyone that he still sleeps with a stuffed animal at night. Harry sips his punch a little more, he's not as drunk as everyone else. Just a little buzzed and feeling good.

"Potter!" He jumps when Blaise calls his name from across the circle next to Theo. "Truth or Dare?"

Harry ponders for a minute, a dare from a Slytherin could be deadly but a truth from a Slytherin could be mortifying. So choosing the less of the two evils he makes his choice.

"Dare," Harry says with more confidence than he is feeling. Blaise smirks at him slightly, Harry gulps hoping that it doesn't have anything to do with who he fancies or have to play seven minutes in heaven. That would be utterly horrifying.

"I dare you to pretend to be the person to your right for ten minutes," Harry looks to his right, making direct eye contact with Malfoy. He smiles slightly, that was a very tame dare and very easy if he does say so himself.

"Weaslebee, Truth or Dare?" Harry asks his best mate trying his best to sound like Malfoy. Ron seems to think for a minute before responding with a truth.

"What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?" Harry smirks, trying to copy the pose Malfoy is sitting in.

"Well, Mum walked in on me and Hermione this summer," Ron says quietly making Harry laugh and Hermione blush a bright scarlet. Draco runs a hand through his hair and tries to ignore Harry copying his every move. He glares over at the green eyed idiot, only to get a glare in return.

"I don't even act like that, Potter," Draco says watching Harry fuss with his hair and check his nails every two seconds.

"Oh no, my hair has one strand out of place! I might die!" Harry groans dramatically messing with his hair some more. Draco rolls his eyes crossing his arms over his chest. He does not act like that.

"Oi! You there! Do I still have twelve pounds of hair gel in?!" Harry dramatically asks Pansy, she just nods her head sarcastically while snickering at Draco's glower.

Harry continues to act like a complete fool, and somehow still acts like a slightly more dramatic Malfoy.

"Draco!" Luna shouts pointing at the blond boy, Draco looks over at her and smiles. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare, Lovegood," Draco says leaning back flipping off Harry when he does the same.

Ginny whispers something in her ear which causes her to laugh. Draco arches a brow, Harry following suit and scoffing when Draco does.

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