(#009) [New Gates]

Start from the beginning

Mic: "Anyways, we have gone allll out replicating a full scale modern town replica just for your immersive experience, you will be taking down robot dummies to test your combative capabilities on without endangering your fellow students YEAHHHHH!"

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Mic: "Anyways, we have gone allll out replicating a full scale modern town replica just for your immersive experience, you will be taking down robot dummies to test your combative capabilities on without endangering your fellow students YEAHHHHH!"

Katsuki: "Broken Speaker"

Katsumi: "Attention Whore"

Izumi: "Leave him be guys, we just need to focus on what we are doing ourselves"

Mic: "You will all be separated into assigned areas so that we don't get any unnecessary buddy buddy action, try to socialise yeah?!"

Izumi: "It is a shame but even if I don't get to crush Izuku myself I am sure one of you..."

*Katsuki being assigned to section C while Katsumi is at E and Izumi is at A Izuku at B does not have anyone he knows*

Izumi: "Well I am sure someone else will do it"

Izuku: "As much as i would like to show off its best to save it for as late as possible to savour it in the end"

???: "Excuse me young man, but as a fellow student assigned to the same area I ask you do not distract the other examinees, I can see you and your compatriots know each other quite well coming from the same school by your uniforms, however I have no control over them and would at least ask that you do not repeat their antics in our area"

Izuku: (He talks more than me, but no muttering, systematic and lengthy like a spokesman noble kid, but wait is he assuming just because we know each other I act the same? Ugh, I will avoid him during the examination)

???: "And SIR! According to the handouts there are four classifications of robots but there are only three ranks of points given while the last robot does not have a point value is this perhaps a mistake made by a prestigious academy that boasts e...

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???: "And SIR! According to the handouts there are four classifications of robots but there are only three ranks of points given while the last robot does not have a point value is this perhaps a mistake made by a prestigious academy that boasts education unlike any yet failed to double check the pamphlets?!"

Izuku: "I know you find me annoying but i think he was not finished"

*Before the blue haired straight laced kid could rebuttal, Mic interrupts*

Mic: "Well have you ever played that old game MARIO!?"


Mic: "Ahem, well the point of my apparently retro reference yeah, is because there are some enemies that are only to be interpreted as obstacles and not to be engaged, they are to teach you players that not all enemies must be beaten and sometimes your meant to run away yeah!?"

Students: "It really is turning out kind of like a video game huh"

???: "Examinee 7111 Apologises for being rude please continue"

*Izuku smiles glad that he is not an asshole but just has a stick up his*

Mic: "Now then if you babies have had enough questions, its time to take this to the fields, I want to see everything you kids got, so make sure to give us your PLUS ULTRA!!!!"

*Arriving at the field Izuku is glad that he and Ochako actually separated because as fate would have it they have met yet again, of course Izuku ceased his approach as he sees she has already made another friend, a girl this time, he smiles content, he knows he should not bother her and let her socialise*

???: "Excuse me! Are you trying to sabotage other members even before the test begins?!"

Izuku: "Of course not, It seems we have a misunderstand-"


Everyone: ". . . Huh?"

Mic: "What are you waiting for?! Real life does not have any count down babies! Move, MOVE!"

Izuku: "Looks like we have to cut this-"

*Everyone has already left and Izuku is the only one left behind*

Izuku: (Fuck me, can this day get any worse?)

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