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"They didn't do that much damage," I said as Sarah came to take everyone back.

"They broke the door down, and a speaker,"

"I don't really mind, at least my computers are fine, that's all,"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you to let them stay here, I ya my fault, I'll pay for the door and the speaker,"

"I don't- I don't want your money,"

"But it's my fault,"

"It doesn't matter, it's fine really, if you think about it I don't even really need a door to this room, and I've never used the speaker,"

"I have one question though," she said and grinned


"Did you have a guys here last night,"

My face heated.

"No, why?"

"Apparently there was a thud and a moving pillow,"

"I don't know what that was, but it wasn't a guy,"

"Oh come on, don't lie,"

I sighed, "he's just a friend, really, the only reason he was in there was because I needed to clear the space,"

"Well why hide him?"

"Because I know your spirit animal is a fucking sixth grader,"

She rolled her eyes and we talked for a bit longer before she left.

I flopped onto the sofa and Corpse crept downstairs and I sat up so he could sit next to me.

I sighed and put my head on his shoulder, grabbing the remote and turning on the tv.

He fiddled with his rings while we watched and I don't think either of us were actually watching it.

The rest of the day went quickly, we mainly just watched tv and ate food but it was nice, I'd almost forgotten what it was like to live alone.

But even though the days was good, I couldn't sleep that night. Knowing he was probably awake and watching the ceiling fan turn. ;)

I sighed, I was thirsty but I had no water in my room so I crept downstairs as quietly as I could.

I got to the bottom of the stairs and noticed him at the bar, he was shaking; was he... crying?

I froze, not knowing what to do, I could hear the muffled sobs, quiet but definite.

He had something in his good hand, a glass of something but I couldn't tell what.

I didn't know what to do. Should I just go back upstairs and pretend it didn't happen? Do I ask him what's wrong?

I took a deep breath, and turned ok the light. He was still before turning to look at me, his eyes red and bloodshot.

I smiled weakly, seeing that he had scotch in his hand. I didn't normally drink scotch, but I always kept some just in case, I guess it came in handy.

I walked up to him and neither of us said anything as I poured myself some scotch as well.

"Cheers," I mumbled, holding up my glass, he clinked it and we drank.

And then we drank more, and more, and a bit more after that and before I knew it we were both lying on the floor, sloppy and gross, talking about life. Not a good topic when you're extremely drunk.

"Why did my parents have to ruin my life," I slurred

"Yeah, bad parents,"

"Imma tell 'em," I decided and pulled my phone out. I started a video, "yo, you guys are shit parents, bad parents bad parents, I don't like you, ruin my life and I hate you,"

"Yeah," Corpse added in the background

"Yeah, you should be sent to that prison island, what's it called,"


"Right, Alcatrooz, you should go there, and never have sex again, no more sex no more children," I ended it there and giggled

Corpse laughed too and before suddenly we were having a laughing fit, rolling around on the floor.

That's the last thing I remember before waking up in the bathroom, draped over the toilet.

I looked at Corpse passed out next to me and then at the clock. 4:43 pm, great.

I could hear music playing faintly downstairs, what the hell happened last night.

My head hurt, the world was spinning and my stomach was tight. I gagged but didn't throw up again and went to the kitchen.

In my hung over state I turned off the music and stumbled to a cupboard where I grabbed some Advil, some water and went back to the bathroom.

My head was pounding as I placed the Advil in a place he would see it and went to my room to recover.

As I sat on my bed, trying to remember everything, anything, that happened a few things came back to me.

We'd danced (if you can even call that dancing), had an incredibly deep conversation about life and I'm pretty sure we'd gone for a walk at some point because I remember throwing up in a random field.

A few minutes later there was a quiet knock on my door.

"Yeah," I said and Corpse came in, looking almost as bad as me.

"What the fuck happened last night,"

"I have no fucking clue,"

We spent the next twenty minutes trying to string together the night, not able to stop laughing.

"No, no," he spluttered nearly in tears, "you went up to a random guy in the street and started shouting at him for trying to kidnap you,"

I died laughing into a pillow.

"He literally ran away after you started acting like you were in a fucking cult,"

I wiped tears from my eyes and he looked at me with a smile.

"Didn't you ask a cashier at the store if you could steal some vodka?"

"Says you, you messaged your parents telling them you hate them,"

I creased laughing, my body felt weak and shook with each giggle. We were both hysterical, and both very close to each other.

He was still gazing at me with a happy smile and I stopped laughed and grinned back.

His eyes fell to my lips and I gulped. I could feel his breath on my face and I gulped again. My breath was shaky.

I looked away quickly. He cleared his throat.

"Umm, wanna watch something on tv?" I asked awkwardly

"Yeah sure,"

"What do you wanna watch?"

"I don't mind, you can choose,"

I flicked through some things before finally choosing something and playing it.

We didn't cuddle while watching like we normally would, we couldn't even bring ourselves to touch each other or even speak. We watched in silence.

C'mon plzzzzz I need suggestions 🙏💔⛓

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