
160 3 0

I open my eyes and see the sun so i cover my eyes and slowly get up. I look around and find myself surrounded by trees everywhere.

Alexander: "Where am I..?"

'What is this place, wasn't i playing Bannerlord II and about to destroy the Khuzait Khanate's biggest army?'


What the hell!? Who is it!?

[Calm down Host....I am the system that was fused to you because of the amount of time you have spent on Mount & Blade and Bannerlord II]

'Huh? You mean the games I was playing?'

[Yeah, the system is the same as you played but now the units you get are alive and have more respect and loyalty.]

Alexander: "So, it gets more realistic and depends on how i will do things?"

[Indeed Host, There will be benefits that you can find]

Alexander: "Then can you show me my stats?


Name:Alexander Dracov
Next Level at:400


Attribute Points:4

(The attributes increase your damage and can be counted as a damage multiplier, that's why the attributes look low)
Ironflesh: 2
Power strike: 2
Power throw: 0
Weapon Master: 1
Shield : 0
Athletics: 2
Riding: 5
Horse Archery: 0
Looting: 0
Trainer: 1
Tracking: 2
Tactics: 4
Path-finding: 2
Spotting: 2
Inventory management: 1
Management: 2
Wound Treatment: 0
Surgery: 0
First Aid: 0
Engineer: 0
Persuasion: 0
Prisoner Management: 1
Leadership: 2
Trade: 2
Skill Point's: 7
One Handed Weapons: 26
Two Handed Weapons: 22
Polearms: 33
Archery: 10
Crossbow: 15
Throwing: 18
Weapon Points: 15


[Some of your attributes and skills were fused with your Previous life before you died]

Alexander: "Guess im lucky for training and Playing games in my entire life"

Alexander: "Do you know where I am currently in?"

[You are currently in the outskirts of the Hevadal Kingdom]

Alexander: "Huh,guess I really am in another world.."

Alexander: "System can you tell me if there is any place that has human life?"

[Yes Host,...Searching...Search found..]

Alexander: "Which direction and how long will it take?"

[3km south of here Host]

'Man it will take a while to get there'

I get up from the place I was at and start to walk around and gather some wood and try to get some type of weapon. Man am I glad my parents forced me to go Camping & let me adventure.

16 minutes later

I soon finish gathering some stuff so now I can try to make some wooden spears & Stakes. I had put the wood inside my inventory with the help of the system telling me how to access it.

I soon start sharpening the wood sticks with a sharp type of stone. After making 5 sharp spears I then ask the system some more questions and when the system finishes i am dumbfounded with the systems answers.

Reincarnated with the Bannerlord & Warband SystemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora